This means soft.
This tempo means very quickly.
What is "presto"?
This note gets 1 beat in 4/4 time.
What is a quarter note?
These are the line notes on the treble staff.
What is E, G, B, D, F?
This means medium loud.
What is "mezzo forte"?
This tempo means very slow.
What is "largo"?
This note gets 2 beats in 4/4 time.
What is a half note?
What is F, A, C, E?
This means gradually get louder.
What is "crescendo"?
This means walking pace.
What is "andante"?
This note is 4 beats long.
What is a whole note?
The note below the treble staff with it's own little line through it is this.
What is middle C?
This means really loud.
What is fortissimo?
This means to get gradually faster.
What is "accelerando"?
This note is 1/2 of a beat and needs to have 2 for a full beat.
What is an eighth note?
What is A, B, C, D, E, F, G?
What is decrescendo?
This means to get gradually slower.
What is "ritardando"?
This note is 1/4 of a beat and needs 4 to be a full beat.
What is a sixteenth note?
The name of the note right above the fifth line of the treble staff.
What is G?