The Legacy of WW1
The Legacy of WW1 #2
Making peace
The Treaty
Australia Legacy WW1

When is remembrance day and what happens?

Remembrance Day is on November 11th, with a minute of silence at 11 a.m. to honor and remember those who died in wars, particularly in World War I.


What are reparations 

Money that a defeated nation pays for the destruction it causes in other countries


When was the Paris Peace Conference?  



What was the name of the treaty that ended the war?

The Treaty of Versailles


What significant battle in 1915 is often considered a key moment in Australia's WWI legacy?


What is the name of Woodrow Wilson's peace plan?
What is Fourteen Points

What organization was set up after WW1 to settle international conflicts?

The League of Nations


Who was the Big Three at the Paris Peace Conference? 

Woodrow Wilson - USA 

Georges Clemenceau - France 

David Lloyd George - Britain 


What was the consequences treaty of Versailles for Germans military? How many men were allowed in the German army? 

The Treaty tried to break German military power and prevent another 1914 style invasion. - 100 000 people. 


What day is commemorated annually in Australia to honor those who served in WWI and beyond?



What empires ended from the result of WW1?

Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the German Empire, and the Russian Empire


Name major countries apart of the League of Nations? 

France, United Kingdom, Italy, Japan


What was Woodrow Wilsons role in the Paris Peace Conference?  

Wilson role was very little - he was describe as inexperienced and no match for Lloyd George or Clemenceau. 

What was the consequence of the Treaty of Versailles for German Land? eg. The Rhineland? and Africa?  

Germany lost approximately 13 percent of it's territory in Europe - The Rhineland became Demilitarized and African territories were taken by Allies. 


What does ANZAC stand for? 

ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps)


Why wasn't Wilson's peace plan accepted by the other Allies?

they wanted to punish Germany


Why did the Germans feel humiliated after WW1?  

Germans felt humiliated after World War I due to the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles, which imposed heavy reparations, territorial losses, and the War Guilt Clause, all of which were perceived as unjust and degrading to their national pride


What was Clemenceau's role at Paris Peace Conference? 

Clemenceau's goal was to protect France from future conflicts with harsh Penalties on Germany - he was described as tough and no-nonsense old man. 


What was the consequences for Germany in terms of economic provisions? 

The Allies took large amounts of German machinery, locomotives and rolling stocks. As well as large amounts of coal. 


Which World War I battle in 1918 is considered one of Australia’s greatest military victories, helping to turn the tide against Germany

The Battle of Amiens 


Name five of the main points of Woodrow Wilson's peace plan.

Free trade, end to secret alliances, freedom of the seas, smaller military forces, arms reduction, League of Nations


What is the "Stab in the Back" myth? 

The "Stab in the Back" myth was the false belief that Germany's military defeat in World War I was caused by internal betrayal from politicians, socialists, and Jews, rather than by its military failure on the battlefield


What was Lloyd George's role at the Paris Peace Conference? 

Historians view Lloyd George as a mediator between Woodrow Wilson and Clemenceau. George opposed the harsh penalties that Clemenceau was placing on Germany. George also looked to the future hoping to rebuild the economy as quick as possible. 


How did the treaty of Versailles plant the seeds for WW2? Extra 100 points for mention what clause factored in. 

The Treaty of Versailles planted the seeds for World War II by imposing harsh reparations and territorial losses on Germany, fostering deep resentment and economic hardship, which extremist leaders like Adolf Hitler exploited to gain power and pursue aggressive expansion. 

The War Guilt Clause - placed full responsibility for World War I on Germany, forcing it to accept blame  


What name is given to the movement that sought to define Australia’s national identity and spirit, largely shaped by its experiences in World War I?

The ANZAC legend
