In 1914 the WW1 start
When start the WW1
Loyd George was the British prime minister
Who was Loyd George ?
Women worked in factories
Where did Women work ?
15 millions people died
How many people died
On the 28th June 1914 Archduke Ferdinand was assassined
When was assassined Archduke Ferdinand ?
Soldiers fought during WW1
Who peoples fought during WW1
France, Britain and Russia was in the triple entente
Which contry was in the triple entente
The Allies spend $147 billion on the war
How much did the Allies spent on the war
WW1 finish in November 1918
When finish WW1 ?
Women care home during WW1
Who did care home during WW1
Germany, Austria and Italy was in the triple alliance
Which contry was in the triple alliance
The triple entente won the war
Who won the war ?
WW1 lasted 5 years
How long lasted WW1 ?
Animals carried messages during WW1
Who did carried messages during WW1 ?
The treaty of peaces where signed in Versaille
Where was signed the treaty of peaces ?
Women does weapons in WW1
Who did weapons in WW1 ?
Italy switch side in 1915
When did Italy switch side ?
Children grew vegetables during WW1
Who did grew vegetables during WW1
Belgium help the triple entente
Which contry help the triple entente ?
The WW1 was also know as The Great War
How was also know the WW1 ?