Women's work at home
Transportation + Technology
Families and People

What jobs did women fill in as men went to war?

Women filled manufacturing and agricultural positions on the home front.


What were the main forms of transportation during ww2

U.S. Army jeeps, armored cars, tanks, half-tracks and cargo and paratrooper planes as well as trains


How were families separated during World War II?

- families were separated as millions of men were drafted into the military


What were some of the changes in women's fashion during the war?

- shifted towards more practical and functional clothing, with emphasis on utility and simplicity. 


An icon of the United States who represented the American factory women who worked during WW2?

Rosie the Riveter 


What happened after the war when the men at war came home?

When the men came home their jobs belonged to them and no longer women.


How were WW2 soldiers removed from the battlefield?

Litter Bearers or by water in hospital barges 


What was the impact of women entering the workforce during the war?

- Women gained financial independence, valuable work experience, and proved that they were capable of doing jobs that were traditionally reserved for men.

- The influx of female workers helped boost the wartime economy.


How did rationing affect fashion during the war?

- it limited the availability of certain materials and clothing items, leading to the creation of new styles and the use of alternative materials.


What forms of propaganda were heavily used?

Posters, movies, cartoons, song lyrics, and overall public opinion


What jobs did women have before the war?

Prior to World War II, women were mostly homemakers. Those that worked outside the home usually worked as secretaries, receptionists or department store clerks.


What happened to cars during ww2?

Regular people could not buy cars as car manufacturers had to devote the materials and time to building things for the war. Car selling was placed on hold


How did WW2 affect the civil rights movement in the US?

- African American soldiers were able to fight for their country - but they still faced discrimination and segregation within the military. 


What was the role of propaganda in shaping fashion during the war?

- Propaganda campaigns emphasized the need for functional clothing that could withstand the demands of wartime work and conserve resources.

- The U.S. government encouraged practical clothing choices for both men and women during the war. Clothing with patriotic motifs, such as flags and eagles, became popular during the war.


What did Walt Disney promote?

Anti Natzi Propaganda “education for death”


After the war ended, how were women seen now? Were they allowed to do only “men” jobs?

Women had proven that they could do the job and within a few decades, women in the workforce became a common sight


What was the newest form of safe medicine (antibacterial)?

Penicillin- Discovered by Dr Alexander Fleming 


How did rationing affect new family customs during World War II?

- Families were issued ration books with coupons that limited the amount of certain goods they could purchase, such as sugar, coffee, meat, and gasoline.

- Families planted "victory gardens" to grow their own fruits and vegetables.


What impact did the end of the war have on fashion in the United States?

- Brought a return to more traditional styles and a renewed interest in luxury fashion and materials.


What was the main message of propaganda in ww2?

The main message was to get people of America's hate for enemies, support the allies (and America) as well as saving more materials for the war and convincing people to join and support


How much did the percentage of females working in the workforce increase?

27%-37%. 10% increase.


what did radar technology during ww2

It could pick up enemy planes and ships at a range of 80 miles, greatly helping the US in war


What was The Double V campaign?

- a slogan and movement adopted by African Americans during the war. 

-It stood for "victory abroad and victory at home," with the idea that African Americans would fight for their country overseas and also for their civil rights in the US.


What materials were affected by the war?

- Silk and nylon became scarce during the war, leading to the development of new materials and use of more practical fabrics such as cotton and rayon.


What did one of the most famous WW2 propaganda slogans advise people to do to stay safe during war? 

“Loose lips sink ships” to beware of sharing information with the enemy, and hurting America’s side 
