This treaty officially ended World War I and placed the blame on Germany.
What is the Treaty of Versailles?
This event in 1929 in the United States was a signal of hard economic times ahead for the entire world.
What was the Stock Market Crash of 1929?
This dictator ruled the Soviet Union under a totalitarian regime.
Who was Joseph Stalin?
Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles by annexing this country.
What is Austria?
Germany invaded this country on September 1, 1939.
What is Poland?
Germany was forced to pay this much in reparations for World War I.
What is $33 billion?
True or False? The Great Depression only affected Germany.
What is False?
Benito Mussolini led Italy under this form of extreme nationalism.
What is fascism?
Hitler's goal was to unite regions that all spoke this language?
What is German?
This term describes Germany's fast-moving style of attack.
What is blitzkreig?
This term describes Germany's forced acceptance of responsibility for the war.
What is the "war guilt clause?"
During the Great Depression, conditions were in place for this type of leader to easily gain power.
What is a dictator?
This dictator in Germany promoted extreme racism and nationalism.
Who was Adolf Hitler?
This term means giving in to demands in order to avoid conflict.
What is appeasement?
The German invasion of Poland marked the beginning of this global conflict.
What is World War II?
These two conditions were placed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles.
What are paying reparations and reducing military size?
In response to the depression, Germany created too much of this, which caused hyperinflation.
What is money?
Dictators use this type of propaganda to control public opinion.
What is censorship or state-controlled media?
This leader in Britain warned against trusting Hitler's promises.
Who was Winston Churchill?
These two countries declared war on Germany soon after their invasion of Poland.
What are Great Britain and France?
The Treaty of Versailles prohibited Germany from doing this with other German-speaking regions.
What is "uniting or annexing territories?"
High unemployment and poverty caused people to lose faith in this type of government structure.
What is democracy?
Japan's militaristic government was led by this man.
Hitler claimed this region of Czechoslovakia as his own.
What is Sudetenland?
Germany signed a non-aggression pact with this country before launching their invasion of their eastern neighbor.
What is the Soviet Union?