The three countries originally in the Axis Powers
Germany, Italy, and Japan
Who were the Allied forces?
A. Germany, Italy and Japan,
B. Soviet and Germany,
C. Vichy France and Italy, or
D. UK, France, USA and Soviet Union
D. UK, France, USA and Soviet Union
What country had the opportunity to save 20,000 kids Hitler was going to kill and refused
Who am I?
"Funny Mustache"
Adolf Hitler
Name the first country that Hitler invaded in the build-up to world war 2.
(HINT: He originally promised to only invade the edges, which was filled with ethnic Germans)
What were the two places that the U.S.A dropped bombs on in Japan?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
What nation did Germany invade to cause ww2?
A. Netherlands,
B. Poland,
C. Austria, or
D. Czechia
B. Poland
Important Dates: 1st of September
(100 Bonus points if you can name the country that invaded "through the back door")
German invasion of Poland
(Soviet Union)
The Holocaust killed this many Jews
6 million
Name the project that worked on building the first atomic bomb.
The Manhattan Project
Important Dates: 7th of December, 1941
Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
Where was D-Day located?
A. Normandy,
B. Calais,
C. Caen, or
D. Dunkirk
A. Normandy
What was Hitler’s famous quick and nimble strategy for attacking called?
(100 Bonus points if you can define it in English)
Date of D-day
June 6th
Did America have a specific reason for sending all Japanese-Americans to internment camps?
What fraction of Nobel prize winners inside of Germany were Jewish?
What nation assisted Germany in the invasion of Poland?
The Soviet Union
September 1, 1939 ~What happened?~
World War 2 began
When did World War 2 end?
Define: Scapegoating
Blaming somebody else for all of your problems.
(For no reason!)
Location of Japanese attacks on the U.S.
Pearl Harbor
How much were the Japanese-Americans allowed to bring to the internment camps?
whatever they could carry
Conference where the location of the D-day invasion is decided.
Casablanca Confrence
Dictator controls the lives of people, and the people are not allowed to disagree with the government.
(100 Bonus Points if you can say the Italian word)
What year did Hitler begin his rule over Germany