These three countries were called the Axis powers during WW2 and history remembers them as the bad guys.
Who were Germany, Italy, and Japan
The person with a funny mustache who was the fascist dictator of Germany during WW2
Who is Adolf Hitler
The US tried to stay out of World War 2 but this event dragged them into the war.
What is the bombing of Pearl Harbor
This German military tactic, meaning “lightning war,” was used to overwhelm enemies.
What is Blitzkrieg?
The first Atomic bomb was made with Plutonium that was enriched in this Pacific Northwest city
What is Hanford
These 4 countries were considered the Allied powers during WW2 and history considers them the good guys.
Who were America, Britain, France, and Russia
This leader was in charge of Russia's Totalitarian Communist regime during WW2
Who is Josef Stalin
The U.S took this name for their Pacific strategy of focusing only attacking important islands from the behavior of a frog.
What is leapfrogging.
This U.S. policy allowed FDR to sell war supplies before to the allies officially joining the war.
What is Lend Lease Act?
Despite being neccessary for the war effrot black soldiers in WW2 still faced this practice that kept them seperated from white soldiers
What is segregation
The Treaty of Versailles ended WW1 by harshly punishing this European Country who had nothing to do with starting the war.
Who was Germany
This American president who took over after the death of FDR was the person who gave the go head to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Who is Harry S. Truman
These two bloody battles on important islands were the last two Islands to attack in the U.S's leapfrogging strategy
What are Iwo Jima and Okinawa
The British endured nightly bombings in this battle/ campaign, which began in 1940.
What is the Battle of Britain?
The clandestine project to secretly make the world's first atomic bomb was done under this code name.
What is the Manhattan Project
Hitler invaded this eastern European country causing France and Britian to delcare war offically starting WW2
What is Poland
He was the lead scientist of the Manhattan Project, often called the “father of the atomic bomb.”
Who is Robert Oppenheimer?
Operation Overlord, the massive amphibous mission to invade Normandy and turn the tide in European Theatre of WW2 is known by this nickname
What is D-Day
This 1945 international organization was founded to promote peace and security.
What is the United Nations?
The long-term effects of radiation exposure from the bombs caused many survivors to suffer from this type of disease.
What is cancer or radiation poisoning?
The League of Nations adopted this strategy with Hitler hoping that it would make him happy and he would stop invading European Countries, it didn't work.
What is appeasement
The Tuskegee Airmen who were some of the most succesful fighter piliots of WW2 despite being segregated against had this colorful nickname
Who were the Red Tails
Before Pearl Harbor the United States goal was to stay out WW2 but FDR was able to provide the Allies with military equipment thanks to this piece of legislation
What is the Lend-Lease Act
a meeting between the leaders of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union to plan the end of World War II and the postwar world
The Potsdam Conference
The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki had these clever names
What are Fat Man and Little Boy