Why did Gavrillo Princip shoot Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
(and don't just say "because he didn't like him")
Princip was a Bosnian Serb nationalist who wanted to free Bosnia from Austro-Hungarian rule and unite the South Slav people
You couldn't pay for a substitute to get out of this anymore
the draft
Name two "push factors" that influenced The Great Migration.
Jim Crow laws (segregation) in the South
Limited job opportunities in the South
Name one difference between the way the Harlem Hellfighters were treated in France vs. the US
In France they were awarded one of the highest honors, in the US they were told to accept their position in Jim Crow society
a network of pre-war agreements between European nations, where countries pledged to support each other militarily if one of them was attacked
Alliance System
"Meatless Mondays" and "Victory Gardens" were encouraged by this federal agency
The Food Administration
Name two "pull factors" for the Great Migration
Factory jobs opened up by the war in the North with better pay
Better quality of life in the North
Name two causes of the Red Summer of 1919
The Great Migration
Competition for jobs between Black and White soldiers
Overcrowding in cities
Murder of Eugene Williams
What does it mean when someone buys a stock "on margin"?
they took out a loan to purchase the stock and play the stock market
Name the two alliance systems in wwi (100 bonus points if you can list the three countries that belonged to each - so 6 countries total)
Triple Alliance: Great Britain, France, US, Russia
Triple Entente: Italy, Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire
A poster made by the US government with the headline saying "Men, Uncle Sam wants YOU to join the army!" Is an example of:
What was the "New Negro Movement"
They felt that because they risked their lives in the war, they should be given full equality and citizenship rights in America
Name two effects of the Tulsa Massacre
The Greenwood neighborhood "Black Wall Street" was destroyed
800 injured, 300 killed
What does "laissez-faire" mean in relation to the economy?
The government has little control or influence over the economy
Name and describe two events that challenged the US' neutrality
Zimmerman Note
Bolshevik Revolution
Free speech can be limited in a time of war if it presents a "clear and present danger" to democracy
This music genre was the first to be born here in the US and includes improvised beats and call and response
This organization saw an increase in membership during the 1920s, particularly in Northern areas
The Ku Klux Klan
Name three causes of the Great Depression from the case studies
Unregulated banks
Unregulated stock market
Changes in farming
Republican economic policies
What was Wilson's main idea in his speech asking Congress to declare war on Germany?
make the world safe for democracy
How were women's lives transformed by World War I? List two examples
They finally got the right to vote
They stepped into job positions they never had before (nursing, factories)
The Harlem Renaissance was a movement of art that aimed to do what?
Instill hope, pride, reject negative stereotypes
many in the United States feared recent immigrants and dissidents, particularly those who embraced communist, socialist, or anarchist ideology - what's the name of this particular time of fear?
The Red Scare
Many consumers were buying this specific car on credit
Henry Ford's Model T