WWI part duex
1920s part deux
His assassination sparked WWI
Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand
In 1914, this alliance consisted of France, Great Britain, and Russia: a) socialists b) Central Powers c) allies d) pacifists
What is Triple Entente
What did the U.S. use to overcome the threat of German U-Boats: a) ships flying neutral flags b) groups of guarded ships c) airplanes d) a fleet of American submarines
What is b) groups of guarded ships
The main factor causing urban sprawl in the 1920s was: a) a change in birthrate b) the use of electricity c) the automobile d) growth in industry
What is c) the automobile
One of the effects of this was a rise in organized crime: a) Prohibition b) Scopes Trial c) fundamentalism
What is a) Prohibition
This British liner was sunk by a German U-Boat
What is Lusitania
In 1914, this alliance consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire: a) Allies b) socialists c) Central Powers d) Triple Entente
What is Central Powers
Which of the following was a result of the Selective Service Act: a) women could serve in combat positions b) African Americans could not become Army officers c) men were required to register for military service d) troops were segregated by race
What is c) men were required to register for military service
The Teapot Dome Scandal centered around: a) union members b) high tariffs c) oil-rich lands d) gold mines
What is c) oil-rich lands
This was an "underground" saloon or nightclub where liquor was sold illegally
What is speakeasy
This contained a suggestion of an alliance between Mexico and Germany that deeply angered the American people
What is Zimmerman Note
This long-term cause of the war involved the development of the armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy
What is militarism
The Espionage and Sedition Acts affected freedom of speech because they: a) forced the repeal of the First Amendment b) promoted biased ideas designed to sway people's thinking c) forced restaurant owners to offer "liberty sandwiches" rather than hamburgers d) allowed the government to silence ideas that challenged its authority
What is d) allowed the government to silence ideas that challenged its authority
The Fordney-McCumber Tariff was meant to: a) help Britain and France pay off their war debts b) raise taxes on good leaving the United States c) help Germany pay off its war debts d) raise taxes on goods entering the United States
What is d) raise taxes on good entering the United States
The Harlem Renaissance refers to: a) a celebration of African-American culture in literature and art b) a program to promote African-American owned businesses c) a struggle for civil rights led by the NAACP d) a population increase in Harlem in the 1920's
What is a) a celebration of African-American culture in literature and art
Which of the following was NOT a cause of WWI: a) American Isolationism b) European Nationalism c) imperialist competition d) the stockpiling of weapons
What is a) American Isolationism
This long-term cause of the war encouraged competitiveness between nations and encouraged various ethnic groups to attempt to create nations of their own
What is nationalism
During the 1920's, Union membership: a) remained constant b) increased considerably c) dropped considerably d) increased slightly
What is c) dropped considerably
This was defended at the Scopes-Monkey Trial: a) Prohibition b) Speakeasies c) fundamentalism
What is c) fundamentalism
"Double Standard" refers to: a) lower wages women earned compared to those earned by men in the 1920's b) stricter social and moral standards for women than for men in the 1920's c) amount of work that women did both at home and outside the house in the 1920's d) unfair treatment of women in the workplace in the 1920's
What is b) stricter social and moral standards for women than for men in the 1920's
The policy that kept the United States out of the war for three years was called ___________
What is neutrality
Closely linked with industrialization, this long-term cause of the war involved a contest for colonies
What is imperialism
The first practical peacetime use of airplanes was for: a) carrying passengers b) carrying mail c) weather forecasting d) crop-dusting
What is b) carrying mail
This was someone who provided illegal alcohol: a) Clarence Darrow b) bootlegger c) William Jennings Bryan
What is b) bootlegger
Except for ____________, alcohol cause all of the following, according to most fundamentalists: a) evangelism b) child abuse c) crime d) urban slums
What is a) evangelism