The leader of Austria-Hungary who was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist. His death sparked WWI.
What is the National War Labor Board?
The organization that settled labor disputes.
This treaty ended WWI.
Treaty of Versailles
What countries were initially apart of the Triple Alliance?
Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary
What was the Great Migration?
The mass movement of African Americans up north.
Who was the leader of the national war labor board during WWI?
William Howard Taft
This was a government organization that controlled production.
War Industries Board
This amendment granted women's suffrage.
19th Amendment
What group did the Treaty of Versailles create?
The League of Nations
This person was a peace advocate during WWI who was fired by President Wilson for his anti-war views.
William Jennings Bryant
What is the Food Administration?
A government organization that rationed food.
What is the 18th Amendment?
The amendment that instituted Prohibition, banning the manufacturing and selling of alcohol.
The AEF started to introduce these because of growing concerns that many drafted men were "feeble-minded"
Literacy tests
This group faced major discrimination during WWI, i.e. the 18th Amendment.
Who is Eugene V. Debs?
A person who was imprisoned due to the US claiming that he violated the Espionage and Sedition Acts.
What is the Committee on Public Information?
This organization created propaganda to encourage citizens to get involved in the war effort.
What is the House-Grey Memorandum?
In it, Great Britain gave the US the approval to negotiate peace at the end of the war.
A strategy were warships would surround merchant ships to protect them and help them get to where they needed to go.
What were 4 points included in Wilson's 14 Points Speech?
Freedom of the seas, no economic barriers, no secret agreements, and a reduction of armaments.
Who is Senator Henry Cabot Lodge?
An opponent of the League of Nations who felt it was a sellout of American power and that the US should instead use more force to impose our power on the world stage.
Leader of the Committee on Public Information
What were the three major terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
The War Guilt Clause, Nine new Nations were formed in Europe, and Germany lost some of its land and was forced to decrease the size of their navy and air force.
Describe the Zimmerman Telegram
A message sent from Germany to Mexico that stated that Germany would give Mexico Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico in exchange for Mexico's help fighting the US.
Name three reasons for the Great Migration
African Americans wanted to escape discrimination, seek job opportunities in the north, and get away from the Bull-Weevil Infestation