Main Causes of WWI
Important Vocabulary & Themes from WWI
WWI Weapons
Causes of WWII
Who fought and how did it end?

European countries competed to control different colonies in parts of Africa and Asia. This is called..

A) Nationalism

B) Imperialism

C) Militarism

B) Imperialism


Power and Authority. How was this a theme in WWI?

European nations were fighting to see who could be the most powerful. 


Armored combat vehicle, could move along difficult terrain

a tank


Why did the League of Nations fail?

This organization was supposed to keep the peace between the different countries. People didn't respect the organization and it failed. 

WWII - The Axis fought the Allies. Which countries were in each group?

 The “Axis” included Germany, Italy, and Japan. The “Allies” included United Kingdom, France, Soviet Union, and United States.


To increase their own nations' security, European powers signed treaties with one another, forming _______. 



Why was technology a key theme in WWI?

The advancement of technology with regard to weaponry led to massive devastation and death during the war. 


this gas caused blindness, blisters, death by choking

poison gas


Why did Germany feel Overwhelmed by the Treaty of Versailles?

  •  told that they need to give up territory

  • had to pay reparations (payments) to the countries that won

  • had to admit that they were wrong

  • had to reduce the size of their army


The Central powers were made up of...

“Central Powers” - Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Empire


The policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war. When a country had a large army, the people felt powerful. As one country would strengthen its army, other countries would do the same to match it. 



Define total war and give some examples of what this would look like in a country. 

Total war is the idea that countries devote everything they have to fighting a war.

Examples of what this could look like are:

factories would make weapons, women would work since men were fighting, soldiers would be fed food, while civilians were restricted, 


This gun fired ammunition automatically and made it difficult for the enemy to advance

a machine gun


How did the Great Depression lead to the start of WWII?

Germany couldn’t pay their debts to United States, led to unemployment in Germany


The Allies in WWI were made up of...

 “Allies”- France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy (they switched sides), United States


What is nationalism?

When a person feels a deep devotion to one's nation it can act as way to make the country feel unified, but also cause countries to want to overpower one another. 


What was the impact of industrialization during the war?

Governments provided more support and money to factories during this time so that they could mass produce airplanes, guns, weapons, automobiles, etc..


underwater missile that attacks ships

torpedos were shot by submarines


How did the Rise of Dictators, like Adolf Hitler, cause WWII?

Since governments failed, very powerful leaders came in to take control over every aspect of people’s lives


Besides the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, what were the impacts of WWI when it ended?

  • More people died than ever before.

  • More money was spent on the military than ever before.

  • It had a devastating economic impact


What was the spark that started the war? Explain.

Archduke Ferdinand and his wife from Austria were assassinated in Serbia. Serbia refused to investigate. Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia . Russia felt that it needed to protect Serbia so Russian troops moved to Serbian and German border. Germany felt treated and declared war on Russia. Russia then declared war on Germany. Alliances between countries led to other countries to join. 


Double Jeopardy: Bonus Question

Why did Russia withdraw from the war and America enter?

  • Russia left b/c they had massive casualties, they were less industrialized, there were food riots, and troops started to leave the army (Bolshevik Revolution).

  • America joined b/c Germany sunk US ships. They didn’t like the fact that Germany was using submarines on passenger ships, and they heard that Germany was going to help Mexico conquer parts of the US.


What is “Trench warfare?"

Soldiers on each side would dig trenches in the mud and shoot at each other from there. Many people died and not much land was gained using this tactic


How did Hitler rise to power and gain a following?

Hitler became the leader of Germany by taking advantage of people's fears and promises of a better future. While in jail for trying to overthrow the government, he wrote a book blaming Jewish people for Germany's problems, and he later used this to gain total control as "Fuhrer."


How did WWII change the world?

  • Unparalleled destruction (more than 60 million people died globally, and a lot of Europe was destroyed)

  • War cost a LOT of money ($2 trillion) → problems in the economies of European countries

  • Rise of superpowers → US and the Soviet Union 

  • Birth of the United Nations - What was/is the goal of the United Nations? World peace!
