Causes of WWI
America Moving Towards WWI
Life on the Home Front
Women In WWI
The two alliances between the Britain, France and America and Germany and Austro-Hungary are known as this
What are the Allies and the Triple Alliance
When the Lusitania was sunk by the Germans without warning outraging the American public, President Wilson responded by stating this
What is "America is too proud to fight"
These four war time agencies were created in preparation for entering WWI
What are The War Industries Board, The Food Administration Board The National War Labor Board and the The Committee on Public Information
Women were needed in American factories because of this.
What is the men were sent overseas to aid the allies during the war.
The feeling of intense pride in one’s homeland
What is Nationalism
The Triple Alliance begins by trying to take over these three countries?
What is Serbia, Russia, and France.
This French Passenger Ship was sunk by German U-Boats without warning leading to the signing of a pledge between America and Germany which bears its name.
What is the Sussex Pledge
Women supported industries during WWI by doing this
What is working in factories, shipyards, railroad yards, serving as police officers, mail carriers, and train engineers.
By the end of WWI women had gained this, leading to women gaining the right to vote in 1920.
What is political representation in congress
were basic medics who cleaned wounds administered bandages, and provided pain killers, when they were available.
What is the Volunteer Aid Detachment
this is found in any and all wars
What is Nationalism
This international agreement helped President Wilson win his second term in office with the campaigne slogan "He kept us out of the war"
What is the Sussex pledge
These two laws passed by the Committee of Public Information curtailed civil liberties of the American public during WWI for the protection of the masses
What are the Espionage act and the Sedition act
Women’s outlook on their working status changed by the end of the war resulting in this
What is many women returned to the home while some women refused to go back to domestic service unless their demands for better working terms were met.
were basic medics who cleaned wounds administered bandages, and provided pain killers, when they were available.
What is the Voluntary Aid Detachment
Germany and Britain engage in a militarism battle by increasing and advancing technology in this military branch
What is the navy
Germany agrees to sign the Sussex Pledge in a stratigic plan to do this
What is "to keep America out of the war and not form an alliance with France and Britian"
The CPI encourage Americans to support the war by arranged for thousands of short patriotic talks known as this.
What are “four minute speeches”.
members of this women’s political movement worked to gain the vote and equal rights.
Who are the suffragettes
bringing in the harvest and keeping the farms going. This played a a role especially after the battle of the Somme killed wounded so many young British soldiers- men who would normally work on the land.
What is the Women's Land Army
The death of this man instigates Austria- Hungary to declare war on Serbia and begin WWI.
Who is Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
The Zimmerman Telegram promised Mexico would regain it's lost territories in these following states
What are Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona
Industries promised high wages and plentiful work which convinced between 300,000 and 500,000 African Americans to leave the South and move to the Northern cities in what is historically known as this.
What is "The Great Migration"
drove ambulances, scrubbed out and disinfected rooms, removed bodies when need, ran soup kitchens, and helped organize baths for those soldiers given some time off from the front line
What is the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry
attempted to mediate labor disputes that might otherwise lead to strikes.
What is the National War Labor Board