Women's Suffrage
Spanish-American War
Other Stuff?
The selective service act
What is the name for the drafting of men for the war during WWI?
This is exaggerated stories in an attempt to sensationalize the news
What is Yellow Journalism?
She was a well known anti-lynching, pro-suffragist
Who is Ida B. Wells?
The US built the Panama Canal in order to do this
What is connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans?
The Monroe Doctrine stated
What is the United States policy of not intervening in European affairs if Europe does not intervene in the affairs in the Western Hemisphere?
Schenck was imprisoned for violating this law during the war
What is the Sedition Act?
These were areas in which European powers had economic and political control in China
What are spheres of influence?
Alice Paul and other women were arrested for protesting outside of the White House, but also because they called President Woodrow Wilson this
What is Kaiser Wilson?
This was the slogan the US used to go to war in 1898
What is "Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain"
This was one HUGELY important reason that the US entered WWI
What is the Zimmerman Telegram, Sinking of the Lusitania, or unrestricted sub warfare?
This government agency used propaganda to support the war effort and made people feel "un-American" for not supporting the war
What is the Committee of Public Information?
Queen Liliukalani was overthrown by the US for this purpose
What is to economically exploit Hawaii for sugar and natural resources?
This was a meeting in upstate New York to declare women equal to men on paper (not legally binding)
What is the Seneca Falls Convention?
These are three territories that the US received from Spain (you need to get all three correct)
What is Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Cuba?
This is one name for Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy during the early 1900s
What is Gunboat Diplomacy/Big Stick Policy?
The United States did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles because
What is the United States did not want binding involvement in the League of Nations?
The Bolo War was this, which was really an effect of our promises in the Spanish American War
What is a war between the US and the Philippines over the independence of the Philippines?
Alice Paul also fought for this at the end of her life, but it never actually passed
What is the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)?
This was the reason that the PRESS said that the US should go to war for Cuba (not because the Spanish may or may not have attacked us)
What is putting the Cubans in concentration camps and starving them?
This stated that the US was only going to war with the Spanish in order to give Cuba its independence
What is the Teller Amendment?
America did not get involved in WWI right away because of this
What is Monroe Doctrine or Washington's Policy of Neutrality (Isolationism)?
This was the idea that the US should be the policeman of the world
What is the Roosevelt Corrollary to the Monroe Doctrine?
This was the official name of Carrie Chapman Catt's organization for women's suffrage (not Alice Paul's) - need the full written name
What is the National American Woman Suffrage Association?
This was the REAL and probable reason that the US joined the war on the side of the allies
What is the US conducted most of their trade with Britain and France / OR the US donated much money to the allies with the hopes of getting it back after the war?
This was the movement of African Americans from the south to the north to work in factories and settle in cities
What is the Great Migration?