What is the meaning of the stem I?
Answer: Plural
What stem goes with the meaning "Old"?
Answer: Sen
What stem goes with the word "Potential"?
Answer: Potent
What is an example for the stem I?
What is the stem and meaning of the word fiction
Stem: Fic
Meaning: Make
What is the meaning of the stem Jus?
Answer: Law
What stem goes with the meaning "Alone"?
Answer: Sol
What stem goes with the word "Surge"?
Answer: Surg
What is an example for the stem jus?
What is the stem and meaning of the word pronounce
Stem: nounce
Meaning: Tell
What is the meaning of the stem Lum?
Answer: Light
What stem goes with the meaning "Low"?
Answer: Bas
What stem goes with the word "Logic"?
Answer: Log
What is an example for the stem Lum
What is the stem and meaning of the word android
Stem: Andro
Meaning: man
What is the meaning of the stem Ann?
Answer: Year
What stem goes with the meaning "Ask"?
Answer: Rogat
What stem goes with the word "Telegram"?
Answer: Gram
What is an example for the stem ann
What is the stem and meaning of the word session
Stem: Sess
Meaning sit
What is the meaning of the stem Apo?
Answer: Away
What stem goes with the meaning "Speak"?
Answer: Parl
What stem goes with the word "Cantata"?
Answer: Cant
What is an example for the stem apo
What is the stem and meaning of the word mobile
Stem: mob
Meaning: move