When was the book written?
What is Wylah's guardian birds name?
Why did the cave collapse on Wylah and Po?
Because the dragons destroyed it whilst attacking their village.
Where do dead family members go?
with the ancestors/ in the dream time
What number in the series is this book?
book 1
What is Po and Wylah's relationship?
Po was Wylahs student and went on her journey with her.
Why did Wylah paint her body with ochre in chapter 5?
a sign of grief when her grandmother died?
What is ochre made from?
Coloured rocks, dirt ground up with water.
What is the FULL and COMPLETE name of the novel?
Wylah: the Koorie Warrior, Guardians
Who is Kae Kae?
Kae Kae is the boomerang Wylah uses to summon Pippy
Why did a village they visit have no water?
Because Tiddalick drunk it all
What is a wuurn?
Wuurn means home.
How many chapters are there?
21 chapters
Why did Uncle Taerong dislike Wylahs grandmother?
Wylahs Grandmother saved his tribe during the Great Serpent War. She asked him for help after but he refused as he wanted all the glory.
Why did Merri and Jayden team up?
In order to escape to save Merris family
What type of bird is Pippy?
A yellow-tailed black cockatoo
What is the cultural background of the 2 authors
Jordan Gould is Indigenous Australian from Warrnambool & Richard Pritchard is Indigenous pacific Islander, and Samoan
Who is Tulna?
The wombat Guardian
How did Pippy damage his wings?
He flies into a tree dodging fire and then gets stuck in the swamp water.
What does Ngata mean?