This quest explores the death of Theorick, and the Ice Barrows.
What is The Fate of The Fallen.
The lore on this item states: Wealth and riches...but at what cost?.
What is Discoverer.
This is who or what Almuj is named after.
The lore on this armour piece reads: Wybels have a strange attraction to cosmic magic, and many an owner will find them staring through the window at night. One, however, claims to have seen her Wybel making something out of white stardust. The abode was robbed shortly after, and the supposed item gone missing without confirmation of its existence.
What is Stardew.
The most recent person to get promoted to Commander in the Hack Forums Discord.
Who is SephDark18 .
The item, apart from 2 LE, is given to the player after choosing to talk to the Elf Guard in the quest Aldorei's Secret Part 1.
What is Receipt.
The lore on this item states: From the Nether Gate, a shard of cosmic stone was ejected. Its purity was defiled, and the first man to wield it went mad, raving about the fall of the cosmos' beauty.
What is Lunar Spine.
This is who or what Cinfras was named after.
Francis (Salted's First Name).
The Lore on this item states: Forged from the tooth of the fallen one, this spear was bargained to a human for his soul, not knowing that the weapon itself would claim all life.
What is Apocalypse.
This player is the current leader of the guild The Aquarium.
Who is WeaponMerchant.
This quest was replaced by the quest Tunnel Trouble.
What is A Confused Farmer.
The Lore on this weapon states: Despite the existence of the Nether Portal, few believe that it is possible to open such rifts with sheer force alone. None believe that a tool with enough power to accomplish such a monumental feat could exist. And yet...
What is Cataclysm.
This is the name of the avos who frequently practices electromagic.
Who is Ava.
This armour piece has the lore: The gods of air and thunder, frustrated with being physically insubstantial alone, decided to band together to forge the ultimate leggings of defense.
What is Gemini.
This Player is the current leader of the guild Lux Nova.
Who is TrisGDS.
The number of emeralds the quest Beneath the Depths reward the player on completion.
What is 1.
This weapon has the lore: If it weren't for that stray mark, this would be spelled correctly...
What is Stinger.
This is the name of the optometry which resides in Cinfras.
Ollie's Optometry.
This item has the lore: A psychopath claiming herself to be Death incarnate used this dark-bladed scythe on a killing spree that lasted over a year. It reaped hundreds of lives, including her own.
What is Scythe.
This player is said to be a child of [Several People] according to the Wynncraft Family Tree.
Who is nHexanol.
These 2 armor pieces are given to the player once completing the quest Cowfusion.
What are Veekhat's Horns, and Veekhat's Udders.
This armour piece has the lore: "I know the Beast may return one day...but these chains shall bind it for eternity." The inscription glows bright in the darkness.
What is Marius' Prison.
This is the name of the NPC who starts the quest Wynnexcavation Site C.
Who is Excavator Placardus.
The lore on this item states: The weapon of the fearsome lone bandit, Rymek Luke, it is unique in that it is designed to fire small metal rounds instead of more traditional projectiles.
What is Deadeye.
This player is the recently retired leader of Astrum Pantheon, and currently resides in Paladins United.
Who is Master of Eternity/MoE.