Community College Knowledge
Wyoming Colleges & Universities
Paying for College
Majors & Careers
The two year degree that can be obtained at a community college
What is an Associate Degree, or AA
There are this many community colleges in the state of Wyoming
What is 7
The minimum GPA to qualify for the Hathaway Scholarship
What is 2.5
This is the one community college in Wyoming that does NOT offer a nursing major
What is Eastern Wyoming Community College
The requirements to enroll in a community college
What is a high school diploma or to be 18
These two community colleges are within three hours of Jackson (they are the closest to Jackson)
What is Central Wyoming College and Western Wyoming Community College
This refers to the cost to take classes and earn credits at college
What is tuition
This is the one community college in Wyoming that offers students the opportunity to stay to complete a 4-year Bachelors Degree
What is Casper College
You can transfer an Associate Degree from community college to this institution
What is a 4-year college or university
This city hosts the main campus of Laramie County Community College
Where is Cheyenne
Tuition is part of the Cost of Attendance at any college. These are three other expenses.
What is room and board, travel (to and from Jackson), books and school supplies
These are three majors you can complete here at the Central Wyoming College Jackson campus
What is nursing, business, early childhood education, culinary, hospitality, athletic training (and there are more)
The admissions policy to offer admission to anyone who applies is referred to as this.
What is an open-admissions policy
These two community colleges are the farthest from Jackson
What is Laramie County Community College and Eastern Wyoming Community College
A 2.5 GPA and a 19 on the ACT qualifies you for the Opportunity Hathaway. A 2.5 GPA and 17 on the ACT qualifies you for the Provisional Hathaway. This is the difference between Opportunity and Provisional scholarships.
What is the Provisional Scholarship can only be used at a Wyoming community college
The median salary of an electrical engineering technician, someone who helps engineers design and develop electronic equipment (this is a job you can get with an Associate Degree). (Choices: $23,000; $34,000; $49,000; $56,000)
What is $56,000
Other than an Associate Degree, you can also earn this in one year at a community college.
What is a certificate. (For example, at CWC Jackson, you can earn a Welding Certificate or Culinary Certificate)
These community colleges offer housing on campus
What is all of them (on-campus housing isn't available at all community colleges around the country - we're lucky here in Wyoming)
This is how many months after graduating from high school that you can use the Hathaway Scholarship
What is 24 months
The predicted growth in demand for dental hygienists by 2020, a job you can get with an Associate Degree in dental hygiene from LCCC, WWCC, and Sheridan College. (Choices: 0%, 15%, 38%, 46%)
What is 38%