Goal Setting
Career Groups

A short term goal is....

A. a goal I set that is really easy, so I know I can accomplish it.

B. a goal that can be completed quickly, in a few hours, days, or weeks.

C. a goal that takes months or even years

B. a goal that can be completed quickly, in a few hours, days, or weeks.


True or False: Skills are usually things you are born with, so you don't have to work on them to improve.

False. Skills are something you have to learn how to do. We are not born with skills. Some skills are easy to learn, but many take time to get good at.


What career group does a farmer belong to? (Building/Fixing, Business, Creative, Health, Helping, Nature)



What is another word for careers?



A long term goal is....

A. a goal that is almost impossible to accomplish.

B. a goal that can be completed quickly, in a few hours, days, or weeks.

C. a goal that takes months or even years.

C. a goal that takes months or even years.


What's a skill you might use to sing in the school choir? a) fashion design, b) photography, c) coding, d) memorizing

D) Memorizing. You have to remember the words and tune of the songs to sing in the school choir!


What career group does a Dental Hygienist belong to? (Building/Fixing, Business, Creative, Health, Helping, Nature)



Give me an example of two careers that we talked about this year

Police officer, business owner, artist, nurse, etc.


What are key steps in goal-setting?

Decide on a finish line for your goal, like an important date; make it a clear, realistic goal; break it down into small steps


True or False: You only need skills for school.

False. You need skills for lots of activities, like hobbies, sports, school, and jobs.

What career group does an Insurance Agent belong to? (Building/Fixing, Business, Creative, Health, Helping, Nature)



Why do we start talking about careers in elementary school?

So you are aware of some of the job options, so you start thinking about things that interest you and things that don't, etc.


What's a step you could take to help you reach a goal?

Ask for help from family or friends, learn a new skill to help with your goal, practice the skills you need for the goal, read about topics that relate to my goal, watch videos that could help me, get advice from people who have met a similar goal, ask my teacher for help, gather any equipment/materials I'll need


What does it mean to say "skills are transferrable"?

Skills are transferrable means that you can use a skills that you learned from one activity and transfer it to another- like drawing and painting.


What two groups would an Art Teacher belong to? (Building/Fixing, Business, Creative, Health, Helping, Nature)

Creative, Helping

What is a career that you want to do when you're older?

Answers may vary


Why is setting goals important?

Answers may vary... so you can work towards the things that are important to you, so you know if you have reached your goal or not


What might someone do if they have a lot of different interests in different career groups?

Try to find a job that combines their interests. Find a job that fits one interest and find a hobby/club that fits their other interests.
