What is put into the stocking of a naughty child?
What words follow "Silent Night" in the song, "Silent Night"?
Holy Night
In "A Christmas Story", what present does Ralphie want more than anything for Christmas?
A Red Rider BB gun
Glühwein is called what in english?
Mulled Wine
Where was baby Jesus born?
In Bethlehem
How many windows are in an advent calendar?
What is the best-selling Christmas song of all time?
"White Christmas" by Bing Crosby
How many ghosts show up in A Christmas Carol?
Which germanic fairytale are gingerbread houses inspired by?
Hansel and Gretel
In German folklore, what entity is the "opposite" of Santa Claus?
Which country started the tradition of putting up and decorating a Christmas tree?
In 2022, a song's popularity is ranked by how often it is streamed. What was the most popular (aka the most streamed) holiday song on Spotify this year?
“All I Want For Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey
In Home Alone, where are the McCallisters going on vacation when they leave Kevin behind?
In which country did eggnog originate?
The X in X-mas actually represents which Greek letter?
Chi (which is the first letter in the Greek word for "Christ")
During what year did the US recognize Christmas as a federal holiday?
Which classic Christmas song was originally written to be a Thanksgiving song?
Jingle Bells
What was the highest-grossing Christmas movie of all time?
Home Alone
In Japan, what American fast food chain is tradition to eat on Christmas?
In which modern-day country was the real St. Nicholas born in?
In what decade did Coca-Cola start using Santa Claus in advertisements?
How many gifts in total were given in "The Twelve Days of Christmas" song?
In what years were the three "Grinch" movies released?
1966, 2000, and 2018
In Norway, what animal head is traditionally eaten right before Christmas?
A sheep's head
In Canada, Santa has his very own postal code. What is this postal code?
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