You are what you eat
What is Kirby's power?
Red and Blue Destruction
What is Gojo's ultimate move?
Suspicious Furniture
What is a Mimic?
Tunkle Wunkle
What is Skye's old nickname?
Tree Stars
What is littlefoot's favourite food?
An iconic translation error
What is the start of Zero Wing?
Pastry and Cream
What is Mash Burnhead's favourite treat?
Occult Projectiles
What is magic missile?
With a bag of chips
What is part of the song sung about Molly the cat?
Slurping a drink
What is what sets Hades off in Hercules?
A walking talking "Fun-Guy"
What is Toad from Mario?
Spicy sign language
What is ninjutsu from Naruto?
A lot of cubes
What is the dice for Sneak Attack?
A whole block of cheese
What is what Morgan got caught with behind the sofa?
"Compensating for Something"
What is what Shrek says about Dulock and Lord Farquad?
A rainbow of matching legumes
What is Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine?
Electric Dreams
What is Zenitsu's power from Demon Slayer?
An expensive optician's appointment
What is a beholder?
A big fat spliff
What mum imagined happened with Timon and Pumba?
A world ruler with no legs
What is the snake witch from FR07?
Ceilingx2, Floorx2, Crossing the roadx2, Bravo, Alpha, Begin
What is the Konami Code?
A hard leg for breakfast
What is the first episode of Bleach?
Words really do hurt
What is viscious mockery?
"Catch Him Catch Him"
What is what Grandad was asked to do with a runaway horse?
Surprising Dawn
What is the theme of Rockadoodle Doo