what was xyphr's first anime
what side of xyphrs family is native and what tribe?
dads side is crow
what is xyphr's favorite cartoon/anime movie(s)
what is xyphr's only fully blood related sibling (who and what relation)
vincent, their brother
what is the name of xyhpr's black cat
what character does xyphr have the most figures of?
hatsune miku
what was one of the mean nicknames xyphr had in elementary school
sasquatch (alternatively sascrotch)
what is xyphr's favorite non cartoon movie
how many sets of grandparents (parents parents not stepparents partent) does xyphr have
how many pets does xyphrs family have (combining pets at dads and moms house) and how many at each house?
9, 4 (moms) 5 (dads)
what is xyphr's favorite non-fps game
what states has xyphr lived in
florida, montana, minnesota
what are xyphr's favorite animal(s)
raptors, cats, reptiles
what type of pets does xyphr have at their house
what is xyphr's favorite game character(s)
neeko (lol), lilly and raz (psychonauts), alaitham and xiao (genshin),
what age did xyphr get a protection order on their dad?
what book series (there's 2) heavily impacted xyphr's early years and one of their favorite animal(s)
maximum ride and guardians of ga'hoole
name all of xyphr's siblings
vincet, remi, charlie, delaney, callahan, sage and jaya
what kinds (species) of pets has xyphr had personallu (theres 7)
dog, cat, bird, reptile, fish, rodent, bug
what was xyphrs first cosplay
knuckles or death the kid
what characters from what shows/games did xyphr's mom convince them and their sibling lived in the attic and they (them and their sibling) would right letters to them? (just the names of the show/game there are 2)
naruto and sonic
what has been one of xyphrs favorite music generes for most of their life?
EDM, also acceptable is alternative rock/rock and vocaloid
how many step moms has xyphr had?
what was xyhprs first pet and the pets name
black lab, named vegas