Besides MPR 5, name another room in the school where the wall dividing two classrooms is now absent (taken down, merging the two classrooms into one larger room).
What is the longest lasting SC event?
NH held its 5th anniversary on what year?
Name at least 4 teachers currently in their fifties.
Mr Leo, Ms Meitta, Mr Mans, Ms Emelly, Ms Petit, Ms Marites, Ms Anna, etc.
Among all of us who were here since Y1, who was the late-joiner? (4 days after the academic year started)
Education & Career Day
Where were the former locations of NH before it ended up here in Jl. Pos Pengumben? State both; it's all or nothing.
Gandaria and Jalan Panjang
Who are the only two non-Asian teachers in NH?
Mr Jay and Mr Mans
Towards the end of Y8 Term 1 this year, how many people were absent due to WSC? Also name at least 6 of them.
12. Any 6 named out of: Zach, William, Sean, Joel, Louis, Kyle, Clifton, Nicole, Ayana, Naomi, Jessica A and Kathlyn.
In academic years 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20, what operating system did the computers in the ICT lab use?
Windows 7
What academic year did Be Yourself Week NOT happen during Term 3?
Who was the SC President in AY2021-2022?
Viggo Oliever Sugih
Ms Debby (Y3), Ms Chie (Y4), Ms Marites (Y5), Ms Jaspreet (Y6)
What was the most favored cheer during our time in YLC?
The banana smoothie process cheer
What was the former name of the GROW Room?
Aside from Year 8, name another year level where the Milestone Programme takes place outside of Indonesia. Extra 200 pts if you can also guess the country.
Year 11. They go to Bhutan
How many Prefects were there last academic year?
How many secondary MC classes (Y7-Y10) are not taught by Mr Ding Liang? Extra 50 pts for each class mentioned which is not taught by him.
2 (Y7P and Y8P)
There were two groups of 7 in last year's Milestone Programme, totaling 14 participants. What was the name of the first group, as named by the members themselves?
The makerspace and the unfinished laboratory are two of three large empty rooms in Block C. Name another large empty room in the same building.
Lecture hall
Aside from Hideaway which lasts usually until nighttime, name a non-SC event that also lasts until nighttime.
Mid-Autumn Festival celebration
Former Music teacher Mr Dhodi released the 1st version of the school anthem two years ago, with this year's version in the key of Bb major. In what key was the 1st version composed?
This teacher is the only one born not within 1960-1990s. This teacher predominantly teaches a non-core subject in the secondary division. Who is this teacher?
Ms Venny
Aside from Clarissa and Jessica L, state two other pairs of people who have the same birthday in our batch.
Zachary and Reina
Alvin and Meredith