Assessment KPIs
Assessment Structure
Textual Features
Literary Devices
War Poetry Context

Fill in the blank for KPI 8.

I can use a full range of _______________ accurately, and to enhance the impact of my writing. 



What is the difference between a news report and an opinion article?

A news article informs with facts.

An opinion article persuades with opinions.


What is direct address? How can you use it in your assessment?

Talking directly to the reader by using the word "you".


Using similes will score you marks in beginning and developing of KPI 6. What is a simile? Give an example.

A simile is a comparison of two things using "like" or "as."


Finish the title: Charge of the _______ Brigade



Fill in the blank for KPI 7.

I can use a wide range of ___________ imaginatively and with precision and spell accurately. 



What does TAP stand for?

Type, Audience, Purpose


What is an anecdote? How can you use it in your assessment?

A personal story related to the topic of war or protest.


Using personification will score you marks in beginning and developing of KPI 6. What is a personification? Give an example.

Personification is giving nonhuman objects a human trait, quality, or action.


In Remains, what is it that "remains" to the veteran? What is he talking about in the poem?

The memory of those he killed remains in his mind -- PTSD.


What are the two things being graded in KPI 6?

I can demonstrate imaginative, well controlled structuring of subject matter through: 

Paragraphs and sentence structure

What are the best ways to prepare for tomorrow's assessment?

1. Reading the full-mark example essays

2. Using the revision documents in Teams

3. Practice writing with the practice question


What is a call to action? How can you use it in your assessment?

A demand or request for the reader to do something after they finish reading.


Using metaphors will score you marks in meeting of KPI 6. What is a metaphor? Give an example.

A metaphor is a direct comparison of two things that DOES NOT use "like" or "as."


In Charge of the Light Brigade, who are the two warring sides?

British and Russians


Fill in the blank for the "developing" level for KPI 5.

I write appropriately and effectively for different ___________ and ___________ by including imaginative detail, accurate tenses and a range of literary devices such as similes and personification.

Purposes and audiences


What are the three things you are NOT supposed to include in your opinion article?

1. Pictures

2. Captions

3. Real article formatting (like pull-out quotes and column structures)


What is an imperative verb? How can you use it in your assessment?

A verb that contains a command of some sort. 

Example: Read! Share! Enjoy!


Using foreshadowing will score you marks in meeting of KPI 6. What is foreshadowing? Give an example.

Foreshadowing is a warning or hint towards a future event.

Example: Religious and ethnic tension are often foreshadowing to conflict or war. 


Explain the main issue of Belfast Confetti.

Whether Northern Ireland should unify with Ireland or remain part of the United Kingdom. Conflict between Catholics and Protestants. Known as "the Troubles".


Name the four main things you are being graded over in KPIs 6, 7, 8, and 9.

1. Using literary devices to write with purpose 

2. Correct essay structure

3. Vocabulary and spelling

4. Punctuation use


What are three things should you include in your opinion article? (Think about the instructions on the sample question.)

1. Express your views on the quote

2. Your opinions on warfare

3. Ideas from the war poetry we have studied


What is a connective? How can you use it in your assessment?

Words that sequence into the next idea or paragraph.

Examples: Next, Secondly, Finally, Furthermore, etc.


Using symbolism will score you marks in meeting of KPI 6. What is symbolism? Give an example.

Symbolism is using a symbol to represent something bigger.

Example: A white dove is often a symbol for peace. A ring is a symbol for marriage. 


Name one of the authors of the war poetry we have read.

Ciaran Carson, Alfred Tennyson, or Simon Armitage
