Who's There?
Easy Riddles
Don't get it
Out Of This World Riddles
Knock knock. Who's there? Cows go. Cows go who?
What is cows go moo, owls go who!
Why couldn't the sailors play cards?
What is because the captain was on deck!
Where do fish go to vacation?
What is Finland?
Where do locksmiths go on vacation?
What is Florida Keys?
How is the moon like a dollar?
What is they both have 4 quarters?
Knock knock. Who's there? Tank. Tank who?
What is you're welcome!
I have holes on the top and bottom, left, right and in the middle, yet I still hold water. What am I?
What is a sponge?
Where do zombies go to have fun?
What is the Dead Sea?
A plane was carrying 45 passengers. The plane crashed in the border of Washington and Oregon. There were 15 dead. Where will they burry the survivors. Oregon or Washington?
What is none. You don't burry survivors.
I am found on sea and on land, but I do not walk or swim. I travel by foot, but I am toeless. No matter where I go, I'm never far from home. Who am I?
What is a snail?
Knock knock. Who's There? Pasture. Pasture who?
What is it's pasture bedtime, isn't it?
I must be in the oven, but I cannot be backed. I grow in the heat, yet I shun the light of day. I sink in the water, but I rise with air. I also look like skin, but I'm as fine as hair.
What is yeast?
What is a geometry teachers favorite place to do geometry?
What is Cuba?
How many eggs can you put in an empty pan?
What is one? After that its not empty.
I don't have lungs or a chest, but I need air. I am not alive but I grow. I don't have a mouth, and I don't like water. What am I?
What is fire?
Knock knock. Who's there? Radio. Radio who?
What is radi-o not, here I come!
What can be swallowed, but it can also swallow you?
What is courage/pride?
How many skinny people fit in the bathtub?
What is none? They keep slipping down the drain.
I travel all around the world, but I never leave the corner. What am I?
What is a stamp?
A man has to get a chicken, fox and corn sack across a river. He has a rowboat, and it can only carry him and one other thing. If the fox and the chicken are left together, the fox will eat the chicken. If the chicken and the corn sack are left together, the chicken will eat the corn.
What is the man rows the chicken over the river and leaves him there, comes back for the corn sack, rows over with it, but swaps the chicken for the corn, chicken goes back with the man, then you row the fox over, and leaves the fox, and finally, you come back for the chicken and rows him across the river?
Knock knock. Who's there? Cargo. Cargo who?
What is cargo's beep-beep!
What can bring back he dead, make us cry, make us laugh, make us young, born in an instant, yet lasts a lifetime?
What is a memory?
A cowboy rides into town on Friday, he stays in town for three days and leaves on Friday. How is this possible?
What is the horses name is Friday?
What can you catch, but not throw?
What is a cold?
Your in a 4 walled cement room with a floor and ceiling, but there are no windows or doors. The only things in the room are a mirror, stuffed rabbit, and a wooden circular table. How do you get out?
What is you look in the mirror, you see what you saw, you take the saw, cut the table in half, two half's equal a hole, you take the rabbit, you jump in the hole, the rabbit takes you to Alice, and helps you get out?