What are the two categories of actual sin, based on their gravity?
Mortal sin and venial sin.
How many gospels is there and who wrote them?
4, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
What is the long, white garment worn under other vestments, symbolizing purity and the baptismal dignity of the priest?
The Alb
how many books are in the Bible?
What does Catholic mean?
Universal, to become whole.
The place where the Eucharist is reserved
This saint, known as the “Apostle of the Gentiles,” wrote many of the Epistles in the New Testament.
St. Paul
The Church is described as
"one, holy, catholic, and apostolic."
What is the number of days it rained while Noah was in the ark?
40 days and 40 nights.
What is the small, square cloth worn by priests and bishops on the head, often black for priests and purple for bishops?
The biretta.
This doctrine teaches that Mary was conceived without Original Sin.
The Immaculate Conception
Who was the first pope?
A linen cloth used to clean the vessels after Mass
He moved to the island of Molokai to care for the leper colony there.
St. Damien de Veuster?
Gloria in Excelsis Deo - Latin to English
Glory to God in the Highest
How many commandments are there?
What is the color used on Christmas and Easter, representing joy, purity, and the glory of God?
White (or gold)
How many times can the Sacrament of Holy Orders be received?
Up to three times (as deacon, priest, and bishop).
Sacraments were instituted by
The rope worn by the priest over the alb around his waist
This saint was the first Christian martyr, stoned to death while forgiving his persecutors.
St. Stephen.
What are the three conditions that must be met for a sin to be mortal?
Answer: Grave matter, full knowledge, and deliberate consent.
How many sacraments are there? name them all.
baptism, confirmation, eucharist, penance and reconciliation, anointing of the sick, matrimony, holy orders.
What does the stole represent?
the priest’s authority and the yoke of Christ.
7 corporal words of mercy
"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
what is bible verse?
Phillip 4,13
During which part of the Mass does the congregation recite the Nicene Creed?
After the Gospel and Homily, as part of the Liturgy of the Word.
Which saint was kidnapped by pirates?
St. Patrick
the three theological virtues identified in the Catechism.
Faith, hope, and charity (love)
What is the rare liturgical color worn on Gaudete Sunday and Laetare Sunday, symbolizing joy in the midst of penance?
Rose (pink).
What are the Cardinal Virtues
Prudence, Justice, Temperance, Fortitude.
How Many Popes have there been?
the name is given to the change by which the substance (not the appearance) of the bread and wine in the Eucharist becomes Christ’s real presence—His body and blood.
This saint was a wealthy soldier who converted after hearing Christ say, “Rebuild my Church.” He founded the Franciscans.
St. Francis of Assisi.
What is the term for Christ’s self-emptying, described in Philippians 2:7, by which He took on human nature?
70x7 meaning?
Forgiveness should be given without limit
What is the specific liturgical color used on the Feast of Christ the King and during solemn papal celebrations?
what are the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Which Spanish missionaries first brought Catholicism to the Americas in the 16th century?
The Franciscans and Jesuits.
The candle lit on the first Sunday of Advent is called the?
Prophet’s candle
At the age of 14, this young Italian saint was martyred for resisting sexual assault, later appearing in a vision to her murderer.
St. Maria Goretti