What is my OC's role in Shadow giving birth?
The nurse
God of Fire, Rebirth, Gunshot, World War III, Bounty Hunter, Phoenix Uplift, Wyverness, The Hunt, and Wall of Fire
Where do I live? (2)
Leila's Attic, Shrek's and my house
Who's the oldest in the family?
Josh (haha)
What's my fav color? (hmmmmmm)
Green, ha
What activity do Aerin, Mango, and Siphon do?
What are the two names of my main character?
Lexi (Alexis) and Vesta
What's my fav build in the city?
Torii Gate
How many genders are mentioned in the family key?
5 (male, female, chairodactyl, fedora, and both/male mother)
What is my fav song?
What is my OC's signature shape?
Who's Lexi's first lover?
Jackson Snarings
When did we start Chikintopia? (Just month)
August (27)
Who adopted Sour Apple?
Best Word?
What are three accessories of my OC?
Watch, hat, goggles/glasses, large boots, Shrek's jacket, feather
What are two of the main species in my book? (other than humans)
x2 overall points (if in negatives, it will make it positive 400) if you know the planet name
Timen, Akaisunian, Aerian
Name three builders that gave me inspo for my buildings
Pearlescentmoon, Geminitay, Smallishbeans, Junopii, Snarple, Fwhip, OmiFish
How many kids do Shadow and Leila have?
BONUS if you know their names
Cyrus, Maria, Ezra, Estelle
Who's my second fav male hermitcraft member's design? (Joel, Smallisbeans is first)
TangoTek (Tango)
What species is my OC?
BONUS if you know the animal my OC is based on, not related to the previous answer
Name 5 characters from my book
Lexi (Alexis), Sakura, Jackson, Hannah, Daniel, Joshua (wtf), Ashen, Tyfian, Jayden, Milana, Isaiah, Natalie, Kara, Noah, Xanea, Fayla
What vehicles have I built in the city? (more than 5)
BONUS if you know how many (duplicates count)
Crane (3), motorcycle (1), Tank (1), Tractor (1) Truck (4), Forklift (1)
How is Kaylee related to me?
She's my other mother's sister's mother/father in law's mother
Describe me for 1000 points (I will approve)
:) or :(