What faculty am i in?
faculty of architecture
Ive played this sport the longest
This friend is accredited for helping me come back to St. Maurice
This was the last country ive travelled to
My main in smash bros is
Bachelor's of Environmental Design
What year did i start taekwondo?
2020 (July 6th)
What year was my first birthday party?
What is the place i visited/travelled to for vacation most frequently?
Florida (Orlando)
my favourite cosplay is
This is the school i went to for Kindergarten
St. John Brebeuf
What belt am i currently in taekwondo?
Black stripe
Who did I consider to be my best friend in grade 3?
Name one island in the carribean/bahamas that i've been to
Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Nassau (new providence), Saint Maarten, U.S. Virgin Islands, Castaway Cay (disney)
Which two events do i go to every year?
Aikon and Comic Con
This was my backup plan if i ever failed/didnt like what I am currently studying
My favourite song
Sit next to me - foster the people
Name all the medals I got at Noah's party (dont need to say if its gold, silver, bronze)
Smash Bros, Tag game, Ping pong, cup/beer pong, basketball, Swordplay (switch)
Name 6 US States Ive been to
Alaska, Wisconsin, California, Florida, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Washington, Illinois, Wyoming, Montana,
This was the server I was a co-owner for in minecraft in 2017
Name every year that i was at st. maurice. Also name the kindergarten and school i went to when i wasnt at st maurice
St John BrebeufSt Pauls
How many years have i been playing hockey for?
16 years
This was my first friend when I came to St. Maurice
Name the main countries I went to on the Europe Trip IN ORDER
This is the music app that i use