Pearson Correlation Coefficient
Nominal Predictor Value, One Continuous Outcome, or One Predictor?
Gender (female and male) on exam performance
Nominal Predictor Value
Categories individuals into distinct groups without hierarchy.
Association or Prediction?
Amount of sleep and their stress level
Association - Pearson Correlation Coefficient
Nominal Predictor Value, One Continuous Outcome, or One Predictor?
Exam Score
One Continuous Outcome
It can take any value within the range, such as 0-100.
ZY= (Rxy)(Zx)
Prediction - Regression
Nominal Predictor Value, One Continuous Outcome, or One Predictor?
Hours of sleep when studying its effect on memory retention.
One Predictor
Determine if there's a correlation between the amount of sleep and how well an individual retains information.
Association or Prediction?
Estimating someone's lifespan based on their level of physical activity.
Prediction - Regression
Represents strength and direction
Association - Pearson Correlation Coefficient