lil test
Big test
T for test

Grounding techniques used with clients who are experiencing flashbacks of past traumatic events primarily aim to:

A. Connect clients with the present so that they do not have additional negative effects associated with reliving their past traumatic experiences 

B. Help clients put their past traumatic experiences into perspective by discussing them in the context of all of their significant life events 

C. Assist clients to understand the triggers for their flashbacks so that they can be reduced or avoided in the future 

D. Teach clients coping skills to reduce the emotional, physical, social, and other impacts of trauma on personal well-being 


A. Connect clients with the present so that they do not have additional negative effects associated with reliving their past traumatic experiences


A school social worker who is facilitating a group for adolescents notices that one member who recently immigrated with her family from Japan interacts very little during most of the sessions. In order to meet this client’s needs, the social worker should:

A. Suggest that meeting individually may be more appropriate to facilitate expression of feelings

B. Determine class participation to see if this behavior occurs in other settings

C. Create ongoing varied opportunities for interaction by all group members

D. Ask for input in establishing rules which govern group participation

C. Create ongoing varied opportunities for interaction by all group members


Which statement BEST describes the difference between values and ethics?

A. Values are unwritten personal belief systems while ethics are written rules or regulations that guide professional behavior.

B. Values are principles which guide behavior while ethics dictate whether this behavior is appropriate based on a moral code of conduct.

C. Values are customs that are considered desirable by individuals while ethics are collective practices embraced by larger groups or societies.

D. Values are individual standards of conduct which are stable over time while ethics vary based on cultural changes and advances.

B. Values are principles which guide behavior while ethics dictate whether this behavior is appropriate based on a moral code of conduct.


What is Dromomania?

A. fear of pain

B. fear of recognition

C. fear of drumming sounds

D. uncontrollable urge to travel or run away

D. uncontrollable urge to travel or run away


Which of these is a medication used for Bipolar Disorder?

A. lamotrigine AKA Lamictal

B. dextroamphetamine AKA Dexedrine

C. amphetamine salts AKA Mydayis

D. vilazodone AKA Viibryd

A. lamotrigine AKA Lamictal


A client tells a social worker that she is having problems with her teenage daughter’s behavior. The daughter has begun to violate strict rules set in the home. The client, who is frustrated with this disobedience, states that she often does not speak to her child for days as punishment. The client does not understand why the girl questions the rules and does not behave as expected. Based on this description, which style of parenting is the client likely using? 

A. Permissive 

B. Authoritative 

C. Uninvolved 

D. Authoritarian

D. Authoritarian


A social worker, who is counseling a couple, learns that the husband has been recently diagnosed with a rare medical condition that is being treated with medication. The wife reports that this medication causes dramatic mood changes, which she has witnessed. Due to a lack of knowledge about this medical condition and the medication prescribed, the social worker contacts a physician for consultation. The social worker’s action is based on which of the following concepts?

A. Interdisciplinary collaboration

B. Coordinated service delivery

C. Team building

D. Standard of care

D. Standard of care


Dyspareunia is defined as:

A. Pain that occurs during sexual intercourse

B. Short-term memory loss due to brain damage

C. Slurring speech that results from neurologic impairment

D. Urinary incontinence associated with age-related muscular changes

A. Pain that occurs during sexual intercourse


Persistent Depressive Disorder must affect the person for most days, more than not, and be at least how long for adults and adolescent/children respectively?

A. 1 year: 6 months

B. 2 years: 1 year

C. 6 months: 3 months

D. 2 weeks no matter the age 

B 2 years: 1 year


Which one of these is a psycho-stimulant?

A. lithium carbonate Eskalith AKA Lithonate

B. oxcarbazepine AKA Trileptal

C. fluvoxamine AKA Luvox

D. methylphenidate AKA Methylin

D. methylphenidate AKA Methylin


A social worker receives a counseling referral for a student who is getting a social work degree at a local university. The social worker teaches a course in the program, but has not had the student in class. In order to handle the situation ethically, the social worker should:

A. Determine how the student learned about the social worker in order to evaluate the appropriateness of the referral

B. Meet with the student to assess whether there are any problems that could interfere with the student’s ability to appropriately practice in the field

C. Inform the student that services cannot be provided given the potential for a conflict of interest

D. Refer the student to a colleague who has experience treating mental health professionals who are impaired

C. Inform the student that services cannot be provided given the potential for a conflict of interest


A social worker whose client engages in heavy alcohol consumption notices that he has confusion, problems with muscle coordination, drowsiness, and memory loss which persist even when he has not been drinking. These symptoms, which are associated with his alcoholism, are BEST treated with:

A. Thiamine injections

B. Cognitive rehabilitation

C. Physical therapy

D. Antipsychotic medications

A. Thiamine injections


When engaging in reflective listening, it is critical for social workers to:

A. Think about what should be said next to move clients through the therapeutic process

B. Reconstruct what clients are thinking and feeling through verbal and nonverbal methods

C. Direct discussion toward nonthreatening topics when clients become emotional

D. Help clients understand social workers’ responsibilities in the problem-solving process

B. Reconstruct what clients are thinking and feeling through verbal and nonverbal methods


Which is not true for Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

A. Constant attention seeking; overly sexual and provocative

B. Obsessed with status and desire to be recognized

C. Exaggerate talents and achievements

D. Unable to see the views and opinions of others

A. Constant attention seeking; overly sexual and provocative


Which one of these is an MAO Inhibitor?

A. selegiline AKA Emsam (patch)

B. divalproex AKA Depakote

C. amphetamine salts AKA Evekeo

D. temazepam AKA Restoril

A. selegiline AKA Emsam (patch)


When doing narrative therapy, a problem must be viewed as:

A. Commonly shared with others so that a client does not feel alone in his or her change

B. Enmeshed with a client’s sense of self which needs to be labeled so it can be addressed

C. Pathological so that a client does not feel guilty about its existence

D. Separate or external from a client so that it can be deconstructed and controlled

D. Separate or external from a client so that it can be deconstructed and controlled


In the provision of mental health counseling, the primary purpose of social workers’ case notes is to:

A. Serve as documentation by which supervisors can evaluate worker performance and skill

B. Provide evidence of service receipt for reimbursement by third-party insurers

C. Ensure continuity of care as well as means by which to evaluate client progress

D. Comply with agency and regulatory requirements which exist to ensure service quality

C. Ensure continuity of care as well as means by which to evaluate client progress


A social worker is counseling a middle-aged client who regrets spending most of his time during his adult life building a business. He blames this decision for preventing him from getting married and having children. The client would like to spend more time focused on hobbies that he abandoned due to his work schedule, but does not know how to make this change. This client appears to be struggling with which stage of psychosocial development?

A. Ego identity versus despair

B. Generativity versus stagnation

C. Industry versus inferiority

D. Initiative versus guilt

B. Generativity versus stagnation


Localized amnesia is described as:

A. cannot remember any of their personal life experiences

B. cannot remember something from a specific time period

C. cannot remember segments of an experience within a particular time

D. cannot remember what you are doing in a localized area

B. cannot remember something from a specific time period


Name the anti-obsessional

A. propranolol AKA Inderal

B. eszopiclone AKA Lunesta

C. St. John’s Wort

D. Clomipramine AKA Anafranil

D. Clomipramine AKA Anafranil


A member whose behavior aims to draw attention away from addiction in the family unit is known as the:

A. Enabler

B. Mascot

C. Scapegoat

D. Lost child

C. Scapegoat


When evaluating the effectiveness of treatment, which technique statistically controls, on a post hoc basis, for differences between nonequivalent groups on outcomes of interest?

A. Random sampling

B. Case-mix adjustment

C. Inter-rater reliability

D. Descriptive analyses

B. Case-mix adjustment


For which diagnoses is brief cognitive behavioral therapy MOST appropriate?

A. Substance Use Disorders

B. Personality Disorders

C. Dissociative Disorders

D. Adjustment Disorders

D. Adjustment Disorders


Ablutomania is:

A. Shallow emotions

B. fear of automobiles

C. obsessed with hand washing

D. Rigid and stubborn thinking and behavior

C. obsessed with hand washing


Which is not a Hypnotic:

A. zaleplon AKA Sonata

B. suvorexant AKA Belsomra

C. doxepin AKA Silenor

D. N-acetylcysteine

D. N-acetylcysteine
