
The series is a __ drama set in 14th century Britain.





Please use 1.Rhombus  2.Contemporary   3.Bore 

make a sentence.

The sentence should be confirmed by Tr. Nora.

Free answer.


You ________ be scolded by the teacher if you don't collect the scores.  (填入甚麼片語-->雜誌中的)

may well V. -->很有可能...


I felt an immediate physical a_____n to her.




The survival animals escaped to the shelter.

Is there any grammar mistake in this sentence?

If yes, please explain it.

Yes, survival is a noun.


Please pronounce and spell the word.

「製藥業」in English.


What is another name for Changhua Sector Garage?

Hotel of Locomotives.


Do you like traveling by train, or do you prefer other modes of transport?

The answer should be confirmed by Tr. Nora.

Free answer~


Use 1.Surviving  2.Hop on   3.To this day 4.Agriculture

Make a sentence. The sentence should be confirmed by Tr. Nora.

Free answer~


What is another meaning of the word "sector" that I didn't mention on the slide but was written in 字彙小筆記?



What is the Author's Name?

What is the English title of the article?

(375 points each)

If you can also named the photo taker of the photo in the article, you'll gain an additional 300 points.

Harry Jenkins

The Changhua Sector Garage: Taiwan's Historic Train Hotel

Kit Leong


If Nora takes the train from 大慶 station to 彰化 station and wants to go to the Changhua Sector Garage, how much time would she need to walk from the 彰化 station to the Changhua Sector Garage?

10 minutes


What city or county is Zhunan in?

Miaoli County


Please define sector(扇形) in English, specifically.

Sector is a part on the circle, which is surrounded by two radii and the arc between the two radii.


Open the book. Answer the Integrated Question. Then close the book.

the Japanese



10-minute walk


What is the official name for "五角大廈" in English.

The Pentagon.


Name all the English of these trains.

1.區間車  2.莒光號   3.普悠瑪號  4.太魯閣號  5.自強號

(200 points each)

區間車-Shuttle train / Local train

莒光號-Juguanghao / Chu-Kuang Express

普悠瑪號-Puyuma Express

太魯閣號-Taroko Express

自強號- Tze-Chiang (Limited) Express / Ziqianghao


In the slide of the vocabulary "tourism", there is a picture with several items on it. Which of them (there may be more than one answer) aren't the items or landmarks on the picture?

(A.)Taipei 101  (B.)Eiffel Tower (C.)The Statue of Liberty  (D.)A sun

(E.)A hot balloon (F.)A moon  (G.)The Big Ben 

(H.)The national flag of South Africa (I.)A tree  (J.)A backpack

Additionally, the more items you can name, the more points you can gain. 100 points/per item



Ray wants to take revenge because he made a mistake on the comprehension part in the English Midterm exam test. Therefore, he wants people who want to gain points name the English names of these moon phases. (125 points each)

新月-New moon/Crescent moon

蛾眉月-Waxing(Waning) Crescent moon

上弦月/下弦月-First(Last) Quarter moon

凸月-Waxing(Waning) Gibbous moon

滿月-Full mon


When did Changhua Sector Garage complete? 

What was the historical event that happened one year after that in China according to the history textbook?

It was completed in 1922.


The year after that is 民國12年, and 孫中山 implemented the policy 

"cooperate with Russia and tolerate the Communist Party".


According to the article, Changhua Sector Garage may well be the last of its kind in all of Asia. In fact, that is a wrong statement. There are three Sector Garages in the world, the one in Changhua included. After Tr. Nora retires from Mingdao High School, she will be planning to go for a global travel, and she wants to go for a visit on the two other Sector Garages. Please guess or name where are the other two Sector Garages (just name the country) are. If you answer correct, maybe Tr. Nora would take us on a graduation trip to the two Sector Garages after she retires and we graduates since Mingdao High School never has a graduation trip. Take pity on us please!  (750 points each)

1. The Sector Garage in Kyoto, Japan.

2. The Sector Garage in Wolsztyn, Poland.


-Below is the math problems in the CAP(會考) this year. Explain what the shape is in picture 21. Then, ignore the CAP's question. If Jack wants to get full points on math exams, he should explain how to calculate the area of the gray parts in picture 21. Can you help him? You can create some spots (like "Spots M") to help you explain it.

-The second question is, he should write the full name of CAP, so he could get 100 on English exam. Can anyone help him?  #750 points each

Let's invite Jack to explain it. Then he may be qualified to apply 數拔. Moreover, he can also neglect the YB 檢核考  because of answering the second question and participate in the Rome Catapult(羅馬砲架) competition.

(2)CAP = Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students


These are the partial questions from the questionnaire from 明道班聯會. According to what you've learned, if any teachers ban their students from these mandatorily, are they breaking the laws? If yes, what kind of laws are they breaking?

Ask Nora. She graduated from the Social Sciences Track.


Tiger lives near the Changhua Sector Garage. Everyday, he has to take the school bus to Mingdao High School. Thus, he searches the nearest bus stop on Mingdao Website. According to the website, which is the nearest bus stop?  Students from Changhua would get 1000 points only if they answer it correctly.

(A.)彰美自強路   (B.)民生國小   

(C.)彰新自強      (D.)南郭國小



Recently, several earthquakes have hit Hualien, Taiwan. This makes Tiger anxious because he lives near the Changhua Sector Garage. There is a fault(斷層) called Changhua Fault. Does the Changhua Sector Garage sit right on the fault? If yes, what can Tiger do to protect his house? If no, name a district(區) that sits right on the fault.

