Kdenlive is a type of software used to arrange and modify video content, commonly known as this.
What is a non-linear video editor?
OBS is widely used for these two purposes, allowing users to broadcast live or save videos for later.
What is streaming and or recording?
This device, used to capture voices, is essential for recording a podcast.
What is a microphone?
This legal right protects creators from unauthorized use of their work.
What is copyright?
This revolutionary device, first introduced to the public in 1876, changed the way people communicate over long distances.
What is the telephone?
This feature in Kdenlive allows users to smoothly blend from one clip to another.
What is a transition?
OBS allows users to adjust sound levels using this built-in tool, which helps balance microphones, music, and game audio.
What is the audio mixer?
Before recording, podcasters create this type of written plan to organize their show’s structure and content.
What is a script or outline?
This legal doctrine allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission, for purposes like education and commentary.
What is fair use?
This gas makes up about 78% of Earth’s atmosphere, making it the most abundant.
What is nitrogen?
Once editing is complete, users must do this to convert the project into a shareable video file.
What is rendering or exporting?
To ensure smooth recording and streaming, users often adjust this setting, measured in frames per second (FPS).
What is bitrate or frame rate?
Podcasters often add this to their episodes to make them more exciting—examples include theme songs and background effects.
What is music and sound effects?
Works enter this status when copyright expires, making them free for public use.
What is the public domain?
The ancient Egyptians built these massive triangular structures as tombs for their pharaohs.
What are pyramids?
Unlike some paid video editors, Kdenlive is free to use because it falls under this type of software license.
What is open-source?
obs is an acronym of these 3 words.
What are Open Broadcast and software?
This is a podcast with a video component, usually minimally edited and focusing on the podcaster.
what is a Vlog or Video Log?
In the U.S., copyright protection generally lasts for this many years after the author's death.
What is 70 years?
This musical instrument, often associated with Beethoven and Mozart, has 88 keys.
What is a piano?
In Kdenlive, video and audio elements are organized in layers, which are called these.
What are tracks?
OBS allows users to enhance their setup with additional features by installing these add-ons.
What are plugins?
Once a podcast is complete, it’s uploaded to these platforms so kids and families can listen.
What are podcast hosting services (or streaming platforms)?
Using someone’s copyrighted work without permission, except under fair use, can result in this legal consequence.
What is a lawsuit?
This mathematical constant represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.
What is pi (π)?