The year the JDA was implemented
What is 1908
The year the YOA was implemented
What is 1984
The year the YCJA was implemented
What is 2003
Youth sentencing is based off of what act
What is the YCJA
Who must be informed if a youth has committed a crime
The age you could be sentenced before the 1908 (not the JDA)
What is over the age of 7
Under the Youth Offenders Act, this was the minimum age for criminal responsibility, meaning that individuals younger than this age could not be charged under the YOA.
What is 12
The YCJA is applied to youth ages
What is 12-17
What are the two types of custody
What is the open and secure
What act allows the youth, their parents, or authorities to be able to appeal the sentence
What is the YCJA
The JDA protected youth of what ages
What is 7-14
What was the goal of the YOA
What is to protect the public and hold youth responsible
The YCJA encourages the use of these measures, like counseling or community service, to avoid formal court procedures for minor offenses.
What is extrajudicial measures
What is the maximum length for a youth sentence
What is 10 years
Identity of Youth victims/survivors and accused/offenders under 18 cannot be made public
What is Protection or Privacy of youth
The movement that was based on the idea that youth are still developing social and emotional maturity
The YOA eliminated the offence of
What is delinquent
Some may advocate the YCJA should be extended into what age group
What is early 20's
Before sentencing a youth the judge will review what report
What is the youth pre-sentence report
This section of the YCJA requires police officers to inform a young person of their right to have a parent or guardian present during questioning
What is the right to counsel
The JDA policy had a lack of...
What is legal rights and due process rights
The issue for the YOA in the 1990's-2000's is
What is higher incarceration for youth than adults
What is an adult
What is the most serious type of sentence a youth can receive
What is custody
How often are youth sentences reviewed if they are under secure custody
What is annually