Day to Day
Lesson Planning
Licensing Rules

True or False:

If there are less than 15 students in a group, I don’t need to fill out the rotation sheet.

False, you must fill out rotation sheets before and after EVERY rotation, regardless of how many students are present.


True or False:

Lesson plans are optional. 

False, lesson plans are MANDATORY.


True or False:

Students can use the restroom or go to the water fountain on their own.

False, students must always be accompanied by a staff member.


True or False:

It is ok to leave the students alone with the provider.

False, at least one staff member must be with the providers at all times.


Which of the following the best example of active supervision on the playground?

a. Staff are gathered in one area discussing their plan for the day, casually observing the children.

b. Staff are spread out, interacting with youth, watching entry points, ensuring the safe use of equipment, and redirecting unsafe behaviors.

c. Staff are sitting on benches, watching the children play from a distance.

d. Staff are walking around and only intervening when issues arise.

b. Staff are spread out, interacting with youth, watching entry points, ensuring the safe use of equipment, and redirecting unsafe behaviors.


How far in advance should you request additional supplies for your lesson plans?

At least ONE WEEK in advance


Our adult to child ratio is __:__.

1 adult : 15 children


Which of the following would be best practice if a student states that a provider is “boring” and refuses to participate in their activity?

a. Tell the kid to go sit on the wall if they don't want to participate

b. Model active participation & give positive feedback to students as they try

c. Take the child on a walk, leaving the provider with the rest of class

d. Threaten to call the child's parents if they don't participate

b. Model active participation & give positive feedback to students as they try


Cory, a 2nd grader, sees his older brother, Ayden, swinging on the monkey bars and is inspired to go on them too. He is unable to reach the bars on his own and asks you for your help. How should you respond?

a. Lift Cory up to the monkey bars and actively monitor him so he can swing like his brother.

b. Encourage teamwork by asking Ayden to lift his brother up and show him how to swing on the bars.

c. Model problem-solving by making a platform out of sweaters and gym equipment that Cory can step on to reach the bars.

d. Encourage Cory to try again on his own. If he's still unable to reach, redirect him to a different activity that he can safely do.

d. Encourage Cory to try again on his own. If he's still unable to reach, redirect him to a different activity that he can safely do.


Which scenario best demonstrates thoughtful/intentional lesson planning?

a. A lesson that includes a YouTube tutorial shown on your phone to simplify instructions for students.

b. A lesson that allows students to create models freely using makerspace supplies.

c. A lesson that avoids holiday-specific crafts, focusing on activities that tie into the season instead.

d. A lesson centered around coloring sheets or pre-made kits to keep students busy with minimal preparation.

c. A lesson that avoids holiday-specific crafts, focusing on activities that tie into the season instead.


Name 4 times students must wash their hands.

-Before eating

-After eating

-Coming in from outside

-After using the bathroom


What are your 4 roles when you are with a provider?

1. Be present 

2. Work with the provider

3. Keep kids engaged

4. Participate
