The Office & Sopranos
random toughies
chick flick set locations
Reality TV
2000's pop music

Which Grammy nominee played Andy’s brother Walter?

Who is Josh Groban


What was the name of the commission established to investigate the JFK assassination?

What is the Warren Commission 


In 2010's "Leap Year", where does Amy Adams go in order to propose to her boyfriend — supposedly something that can only happen during a leap year?

Where is Ireland


Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie starred in which Reality TV Show?

The Simple Life


Which band had a 2006 hit with 'Sugar, We're Goin' Down'?

Who is Fall Out Boy


What restaurant does Tony set on fire to prevent Artie Bucco from getting whacked?

What is Vesuvius


Throughout the Harry Potter novels, Harry is mentioned by name 18,956 times. Which character is the second most mentioned coming in at a total of 6,464?

Who is Ron Weasley


When Sophie tags along on a trip  with her fiancé, she finds herself with a lot of time on her hands–and eventually finds a “Letter to Juliet” written by a heartbroken woman in the 1950s.

Where is Verona and Siena Italy


What 'American Idol' winner sang the hit song 'Do I Make You Proud'?

Wo is Taylor Hicks


Before Miley Cyrus recorded "Wrecking Ball," it was offered to which singer?

Who is Beyonce


What does Dwight always keep an extra set of in his car for special occasions?



Played by Frank Sinatra in a film version, Nathan Detroit is a gambling boss in what classic 1950s Broadway musical?

What is Guys and Dolls


Peter Brenner is dumped by his famous girlfriend, he escapes to Oahu’s Turtle Bay Resort to find some solitude in what movie?

Forgetting Sarah Marshall


A home telephone in the physical shape of a mallard duck was a key piece of the MTV-provided furniture in the house from what reality television series?

What is Jersey Shore


Who is the only singer to win the Grammy Awards for Album, Record, and Song of the Year twice?  

Who is Adele


Ralphie nearly blinds Georgie at the strip club while reenacting a scene from what movie?

What is Star Wars


What "G" instrument is technically a metallophone because its set of tuned keys are made of metal plates or tubes rather than the wood of a xylophone? The instrument was featured famously in many Rush songs such as "The Spirit of Radio" and "Closer to the Heart."

What is a Glockenspeil


If your "gift is your song," and you are backstage at the Moulin Rouge with Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor, what number arrondissement of Paris would you be visiting?

Where is the 18th arrondissement


In the Amazing Race Canada 2, name the two womens Olympic hockey team players who ended as Runners up in the race?

Who were Meaghan Mikkelson and Natalie Spooner, 


What pop star wrote songs for Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears and Alice Cooper?

Who is Kesha


Which Harry Potter book did Dwight say he'd take to a desert island?

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.


When ignoring the stem, how many points does the maple leaf on the Canadian flag have?

What is 11


You might know the movie "Bridges of Madison County", thanks to Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep's acting, but which state is the very real Madison County located in?

Where is Iowa


Adrianne Curry was the first winner of which US Reality TV Show?

What is America's Next Top Model 


Singer and song title please

I could be brown, I could be blue, I could be violet sky"?

 Mika - Grace Kelly
