This is the collective name for the 3 persons involved in creation
What is the trinity?
Abel's profession
What is a Shepherd?
The punishment given to the woman for disobeying God by eating the fruit
What is painful childbirth?
The number of days it took God to complete creation
What is 6 days?
This person performed the first sacrifice recorded in the bible.
Who is God?
Despite the lack of a sun, the biblical account of creation says that this was created on the first day.
What is Light?
The sin committed by Cain when he took Abel out into the wilderness
What is murder
The form that Satan took when he deceived Adam and Eve
What is a serpent?
The one thing in creation that the bible indicates was made in God's image.
What is man?
The field study where all phenomena must be testable, repeatable and observable.
What is Science?
On the 3rd day, God gathered the waters together in one place so this could be formed
What is dry land?
In addition to Cain and Abel, this is something that every person in history has inherited from Adam.
What is a sin nature?
This is the tree that God put a flaming sword by to prevent Adam and Eve from eating its fruit.
What is the Tree of Life?
God speaks this phrase on multiple occasions after inspecting his creation
What is "it is good"?
The approximate length of time from Adam and Eve to the present day.
What is ~6000 years?
This term is used in the biblical account of creation and is another word for the earths atmosphere, which God created on day 2
What is the firmament?
What Cain became as punishment for murdering his brother
What is a vagabond or a homeless wanderer?
The person that Adam blamed for having eaten the fruit
Who is God?
The two types of creatures created on day 5
What are Fish and Birds
The item that God placed in the Garden to ensure that Adam and Eve had a choice/free will with regards to following Him.
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil
Some creationists believe this theory, which states that millions of years went by after God created the heavens + earth and the First day of creation.
What is the Gap Theory?
This is how Abel brought a sacrifice to the Lord which caused it to be accepted
What is "in faith"?
This is the question that satan asked Eve to make her question whether God loved her and had her best at heart
What is "did God say..."
This is the characteristic of God that is most evident through creation.
What is omnipotence?
The son that God gave to Adam and Eve to comfort them after Abel's death
Who is Seth