Dimensions of health and wellbeing
Physical activity
Lifelong physical activity and healthy communities
Benefits of physical activity and the guidelines
Barriers and enablers

Which dimension is associated with the efficient functioning of the body and it’s systems?

Physical Health and Wellbeing


Define physical activity

Any form of bodily movement where energy expenditure is raised above resting levels.


Give 3 examples of lifelong physical activity

Examples can include: walking, cycling, golf, yoga, hiking, dancing


What is the limit to screen time that a 12-17yo needs to stay under to meet the sedentary behaviour guidelines?

No more than 2 hours of screen time per day

Name 3 barrier to physical activity participation

Answers include:

Lack of time, physical limitations, Financial constraints, lack of resources, social/mental factors


Which dimension is associated with having productive relationships with other people?

Social health and wellbeing


What are the two types of physical activity?

Incidental and structured


Name 3 ingredients to a healthy community

Any 3 of: village centres, affordable and safe housing, close proximity to schools, public spaces, green spaces and alternative transport.


How much physical activity should a 12-17yo be completing each day to meet the guidelines and at what intensity?

60 minutes each day at moderate to vigorous intensity


Name 3 enablers to physical activity participation

Answers include: 

Having social support, access to facilities, being educated, financial support incentives


Finding positive meaning in life would be associated with which dimension?

Spiritual health and wellbeing


Give an example of each of the types of physical activity

Incidental: walking between classes, chores, taking the stairs

Structured: going to the gym, PE lesson, team sport


What is lifelong physical activity?

It is any activity that you enjoy and can do for the rest of your life to keep fit. It can involve participating in a range of physical activities that enhances your health.


Name the 5 categories of benefits of physical activity

Physical, social, mental, environmental and economical


What does the word 'enabler' mean in regards to physical activity?

An enabler refers to any factor, resource, or support system that facilitates or promotes individuals' engagement in regular exercise or other forms of physical activity.


Which dimension is associated with the way you are able to process information?

Mental health and wellbeing


What are the 4 domains of physical activity?


Active transport




Why is having alternative transport important for a healthy community? Give 2 reasons

People have options other than driving; especially important for young people and the elderly.

Promotes active transport

Stops the roads becoming too busy

Makes the community easy to get around


Name 3 mental benefits of physical activity

Three of the following:

Improved mood and energy levels

Improved body image and self-esteem

Decreased anxiety

Decreased depression

Clearer thinking

Better overall brain functioning (attention and learning benefits)


What does the word 'barrier' mean in regards to physical activity?

Barriers refers to any factor or obstacle that prevents  individuals from engaging in regular exercise or other forms of physical activity.


How are mental and emotional health and wellbeing different?

Mental: the way the brain works, thinks and processes information

Emotional: being able to express feelings in a positive way


Give an example for each of the 4 domains of physical activity.

Household: vacuuming, sweeping, gardening, any chores of jobs

Active transport: walking to the bus stop, ride bike to school

Leisure: team sports, going for a run

Occupational: PE teacher, builder


How does the healthy community ingredient of village centres help create a healthy community? Give 2 suggestions.

Having all the shops needed within the community means people can get what they need without traveling. 

Promotes active transport

Provides jobs

Supports local businesses


Name 3 economic benefits of physical activity

Three of the following:

  • Increased tourism

  • Creation of jobs

  • Employees taking less time off work

  • Reduced crime

  • Less burden on the public health care system


Choose and describe one enabler and one barrier to physical activity, explaining how each would impact how active a person is.

For full points: name both, describe what they are and how they would impact how active a person is.

Eg. Enabler: financial incentives such a a gym offering cheaper memberships for students. This makes it more affordable for a student to join and visit the gym. Being locked in financially make them more likely to go.

Barrier: lack of social support, so not having people around you to be active with you or who encourage you to be active. Means you may feel less motivated or not as safe. Also no one to encourage or keep you accountable
