What were the two superpowers in the cold war?
Sequence these policies in order: Reconciliation, Assimilation, Self-Determination, Protectionism, Integration
Order: Protectionism, Assimilation, Integration, Self-Determination, Reconciliation
Name the four spheres
Biosphere, Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere
Identify a push and pull factor
Push: lack of jobs, overcrowding, lack of services, etc.
Pull: Access to entertainment/services, job opportunities, affordable housing, education.
Name the five year 10 HSIE teachers this year
Blyth, Dent, Healy, Mangabat, Toomey
Cold war started and ended in...
Three consequences of the Assimilation policy would be...
Answers may include: Stolen generation, loss of culture/language, generational trauma, loss of connection to country
Processes: Deposition, Waves, Erosion, Transportation, Longshore drift
An example of recent urbanisation (last 10-20 years) in Australia could be...
May include: Jordan springs, Marsden Park, Schofield
What is Mr Cvetko's favourite skatepark in Sydney?
Put these events in chronological order- Vietnam War, Construction of Berlin Wall, Korean War, Soviets Invade Afghanistan, Space race.
Order: Korean War, Space Race, Vietnam War, Berlin Wall, Soviets invade Afghanistan
Three well known U.S. civil rights activists are
Name the three types of waves
Plunging, Spilling, Surging
Internal: the movement of people from one defined area to another within a country. International: the movement of people across international borders for the purpose of settling in a different country.
What chemical weapon was used during the Vietnam war and what does it do?
Agent orange: Its a toxic herbicide that greatly reduced the vegetation of vietnam, but also caused cancer to the citizens.
What was the aim of the 1967 Referendum?
Allow the commonwealth to make laws for AITSI peoples and to count AITSI people in Australia's population.
Bonus 100 points: What was the result percentage?
Identify the causes and effects of Deforestation
Cause answers could include: Land rezoning, urbanisation, etc.
Effect: loss of habitat, threat to wildlife, increase emissions due to machinery
Outline the three districts within each US city
CBD: Main business precinct, usually where the city was founded, high-rise housing. Suburb: medium rise, skirts of CBD. Exurb: Separated by large farmland, connected by railway.
What three trials did the HSIE survivor have to compete in on Xavier day?
Target throw, Hopscotch, Tug'o'war
Name five U.S. presidents that were in office during the cold war
Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush.
Who wrote 'from little things, big things grow?'
Kev Carmody and Paul Kelly (half points if only one named)
Identify the Environmental, Social, and Economic impacts of the Collaroy Sea Wall
Environmental: impacts to habitats, effects coastal processes
Social: positive for residents, loss of aesthetic, environmentalists protest
Economic: Expensive to upkeep
Identify Australia's top 5 international migrant groups as of 2023
Who is the Alpha?
Mrs Blyth