Gibbs Free Energy
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This symbol is used alongside the letter that represents enthalpy, and comes from the Greek alphabet, meaning "Change In"

What is delta? (Δ)


This is the number of laws of thermodynamics, which help tell us the reason certain reactions will not proceed without outside help.

What is four?

This is the set of conditions that are used when determining the standard Gibbs Free Energy of a reaction.

What is SLC / 298.15K & 100kPa?


These are the units for enthalpy, entropy, and gibbs free energy, in that order.

What is kJ/mol, J/K/mol, and kJ/mol?

What year did I graduate?



This is the form of energy most often released and absorbed during chemical reactions, however it is not the only type that can be involved.

What is thermal energy?


This temperature is defined by the third law of thermodynamics, being the point at which a perfectly crystalline substance has an entropy of 0.

What is absolute zero (0K)?


An exothermic reaction that decreases entropy will be spontaneous under this condition.

What is low temperature?


Reactions with these certain values will always be spontaneous.

What is negative enthalpy and positive entropy?


What subjects did I take in Year 11? (200 points per correct answer)

Accelerated Advanced Maths, Accelerated Extension 1 Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Advanced English, SOR I, Modern History


This piece of equipment is used to determine the energy content of food for the nutritional information on the labels.

What is a bomb calorimeter?


This is the proportionality between pressure and entropy, which can be derived from both variables relationship to the volume of a system.

What is inverse proportionality?


This is the term for a reaction that has a change in Gibbs Free Energy of zero.

What is equilibrium?


This is the sign of Gibbs free energy for photosynthesis at standard conditions.

What is positive?


How long have I worked for Art of Smart? Closest guess gets the points!

2 Years (Started Sept/Oct 2022)


This method of calculating the enthalpy of a reaction is considered unreliable and inaccurate, due to the discrepancies in the values that are used in the calculations.

What is bond energy?


This is the entropy change for the deposition of carbon dioxide, given the following information:

ΔSc(CH3OH(l)) = 313.4 J/K/mol

ΔSf(CH3OH(l)) = 126.8 J/K/mol

ΔSf(H2O(g)) = 188.7 J/K/mol

ΔSf(O2(g)) = 205.0 J/K/mol

ΔSf(CO2(s)) =129.2 J/K/mol

What is -84.4 J/K/mol?


This is the term given to reactions that are non-spontaneous at a given temperature, based on the enthalpy and entropy.

What is endergonic?


This is the temperature, in Kelvin, at which the condensation of steam becomes a spontaneous reaction.

What is 373.15K?


How many board games do I own? Closest guess gets the points!



This is the energy density of glucose, in kJ/mL, given the following information:

ΔHc(Glucose) = -2840kJ/mol

mm(Glucose) = 180.156g/mol


What is 16.1kJ/mL?


This is the name of a proposal for the end of the universe, based upon the second rule of thermodynamics, and is described as being the point at which no useful work can be done, and all things in the universe will be at thermodynamic equilibrium.

What is the heat death of the universe (Or big freeze, big chill)?


A second formula that can be used to determine the ΔG of a reaction is ΔG=-RT ln(K) where R is the ideal gas constant, T is the temperature in Kelvin, and K is the equilibrium constant of the reaction. When this formula is used, it can be determined that a reaction will be at equilibrium when K is equal to this number. 

What is 1?


Based on the following data, it can be determined that this is the critical temperature (in oC) at which the thermal decomposition of copper (II) hydroxide will occur spontaneously.

ΔHf(Cu(OH)2(s))= -450 kJ/mol

ΔHf(CuO(s))= -156 kJ/mol

ΔHf(H2O(g))= -242 kJ/mol

ΔSf(Cu(OH)2(s))= 108 J/K/mol

ΔSf(CuO(s))= 43 J/K/mol

ΔSf(H2O(g))= 189 J/K/mol

What is 690oC?


Who are some of my favourite music artists? (500 points per correct answer)

Leland Blue, Landon Conrath, COIN, Chappell Roan, Dayglow, Troye Sivan, Caravan Palace, Olivia Rodrigo