
Identify the best description for a vector quantity:
A - Size with no direction

B - Sizes with unit of measurement

C - Size with direction

D - Size with no unit of measurement

C - Size with direction


F = m x a. Identify the correct rearrangement of the formula for force, when solving for mass.

A - m / a 

B - f / a

C - f / m

D - m x a

B - f / a 


Convert the following units

4 minutes to seconds

12.6 kilograms to grams




Identify the name for the structure of a rocket that contains a fuel and oxidizer which creates combustion

A - Payload System

B - Structure System

C - Propulsion System

D - Guidance System

C - Propulsion System


Identify which of the following is an example of a scalar quantity.

A - Velocity

B - Time

C - Acceleration

D - Displacement

B - Time

  1. Draw s force diagram for the scenario below.

  2. Calculate the net force acting upon the object.

A ute is travelling North West along a dirt road with 60 N of thrust pushing it forward and 30 N of friction pushing it back

Thrust            Friction

<-------- UTE ----->

60N                30N

30N North West


Calculate the speed of the object in the following example.

Cathy Freeman completed the 400m sprint in 48.63 seconds during the 2000 Olympics

speed= d / t

=8.23 m/s


Identify the system that is within the nose cone of a rocket and which carries purpose of the rocket. 

A - Payload System

B - Structure System

C - Propulsion System

D - Guidance System

A - payload System


Scalar quantities have magnitude only. List 3 types of scalar quantities.





A car is driving South along a highway with 4,500 N of force. It experiences 445 N of air-resistance.

a) Draw a free body diagram for this scenario

b) Calculate the net force (Fnet) for the two forces

c) Identify the direction the object will move in.

thrust                   AR

<---------- CAR ------>

4500N.                   445N

4055N South


Calculate the acceleration of the example below to 2 decimal places 

a = v - u / t 

A car starts to accelerate from 12m/s to 18m/s in 6 seconds. 

1m/s/s forward


Identify the negative consequence of space flight
A - Global cooperation

B - Protecting the planet and environment

C - Technological advancements

D - Cost

D - Cost


A runner travels around a rectangle track with the length of 50 meters and width of 20 meters. After they travel around the track two times, the runner ends up back at the starting point. 

Determine the distance and displacement

d = 

s = 

d = 280m

s = 0m (stationary)


Identify which objects would have more inertia in each scenario.

  1. A student is about to roll two rocks down the same hill. Rock 1 has a mass of 5kg and rock 2 has a mass of 0.5kg.

  2. Two skydivers jump from a plane with their parachutes closed for 10 seconds. Skydiver one is 65 kg skydiver two is 88kg.

Rock 1 with 5kg 

Skydiver two with 88kg.


Calculate the velocity of the shark

A mako shark swims with a top speed of 50 km/h.

It swims for 2 hour along the coast of WA with a displacement of 102 km South. 

v = s / t

The shark has a velocity of 0.004 m/s south   


Identify a positive consequence of space travel and exploration

A - Death of Astronauts

B - High Cost

C - Global Cooperation

D - Space Junk 

C - Global Cooperation


What is the fundamental difference between a scalar quantity and a vector quantity in physics?"

A) Scalar quantities have both magnitude and direction, while vector quantities only have magnitude.

B) Scalar quantities represent physical measurements, while vector quantities represent abstract concepts.

C) Scalar quantities can be positive or negative, while vector quantities are always positive.

D) Scalar quantities have magnitude only, while vector quantities have both magnitude and direction.

D) Scalar quantities have magnitude only, while vector quantities have both magnitude and direction.


Identify the reaction force for the following action: Thrust moves a boat forward

A - Normal force supports the boat

B - Buoyancy keeps the boat afloat

C - Friction slows the boats motion

D - A tension force is created by the rope and boat

C - Friction slows the boats motion


How much faster (in meters/second) is Chloe’s average speed for the entire trip?

Jason and Chloe want to ride their bikes from their neighborhood to school which is 14.4 kilometers away. It takes Chloe 40 minutes to arrive at school. Jason arrives 20 minutes after Chloe. 

Chloe's speed = 6 m/s

Jason's speed = 3 m/s

Chloes's speed - Jason's speed = 6 - 3 = 3 m/s

So, Chloe's average speed for the entire trip is 3 meters/second faster than Jason's.


Which branch of engineering focuses on the design and development of spacecraft that operate within and above Earth's atmosphere?

A - Aeronautical engineering

B - Astronautical engineering

C - Rocket-Projectile technology

D - Aviation engineering

B - Astronautical engineering
