5 + 3 × 4
What is 25% of 160?
A person’s heart beats 72 times per minute. How many beats occur in 10 minutes?
720 beats
Convert 0.75 to a fraction in simplest form.
Round 4.726 to 1 decimal place.
(18 ÷ 3) + (4 × 5) - 2
A jacket originally costs $120 but is on sale for 20% off. What is the sale price?
A slice of pizza contains 250 calories. If a person burns 5 calories per minute while walking, how long would they need to walk to burn off the pizza?
50 minutes
Convert 0.38 to a percentage.
Round 638.9 to the nearest 10.
(10 + 2) × 3² ÷ 6
The population increases by 8% per year. If there were 1,500 people last year, how many are there now?
During exercise, a person’s heart rate increases from 70 beats per minute to 140 beats per minute. What is the percentage increase?
100% increase
Express 12.5% as a decimal.
Round 15.4987 to 2 decimal places.
50 ÷ (5 × 2) + 3³
A car’s value depreciates by 12% per year. If it was worth $25,000 last year, what is it worth now?
A car travels 480 km on 40 liters of fuel. What is the car’s fuel efficiency in km per liter?
12 km per liter
Convert 5/8 to a percentage.
0.004387 to 2 significant figures.
A farmer has (8 + 4) × 5 chickens in one pen and (40 ÷ 2) + 10 in another. How many chickens in total?
A business makes a 35% profit on an item sold for $270. What was the original cost price?
A cyclist rides 120 km in 4 hours. If they increase their speed by 25%, how far will they travel in 4 hours at the new speed?
150 km
A student scores 19 out of 25 on a test. What is their score as a percentage?
A car’s fuel efficiency is 8.736 km per liter. Round this to the nearest whole number.
9 km per liter