What are the factors of socioeconomic status?
Education, employment and income.
Define health.
List an example of the poverty cycle.
Cant afford healthy alternatives
Unaware about health benefits
Limited access to healthcare
Can determinants be modified?
What is the meaning of health?
Health is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing.
How do schools promote health?
Breakfast club, knockout sport, healthy canteen, fitness program and fitness testing.
Define and provide 1 example for modifiable and non-modifiable.
Modifiable - can be changed (e.g. knowledge, skills, attitudes, employment, education)
Non-modifiable - can't be changed (e.g. genetics, family, culture, age)
Give an example of modifiable and non-modifiable.
Modifiable - knowledge, skills, attitudes, peers, employment, education.
Non-Modifiable - Genetics, family, media.
What are 2 examples of spiritual health?
Religion and Culture
Name all the factors of the individual determinants of health.
Knowledge, skills, attitudes, genetics.
Give 2 examples of Strengthening Community Action in relation to Road Safety.
Lollipop person
Stop Revive Survive
Rage meetings (similar to AA)
What influences the health of individuals?
A positive mindset, healthy eating and exercising.
Name 3 examples of Reorienting Health Services related to Tobacco use.
GP interventions
Research into tobacco use
Smoking therapy
Nicotine patches
What are the 4 dimensions of health ?
Physical, social, emotional/mental and spiritual.
What are 3 stereotypes of perceptions of health?
Being skinny
Skipping meals
Excessive dieting
Provide ONE example of Reorienting Health Services and Developing Personal Skills in relation to Tobacco use.
RHS - research into tobacco use / nicotine patches
DPS - anti-smoking program / health literacy
List the 4 determinants of health and provide an example for each.
Outline the difference between relative and dynamic health and give an example of each.
Relative - compared to another point in time or point in someones life (e.g. the plague, COVID, illness)
Dynamic - constantly changing (e.g. Age, physical health)
Describe developing personal skills and give 3 examples.
Increasing peoples knowledge and decision making/problem solving skills.
PDHPE classes, ads on tv, radios and billboards.
Define developing personal skills and give 3 examples in relation to Road Safety.
Increase peoples knowledge, decision and problem solving skills.
- 120 hours
- Driver knowledge test
- Understanding campaigns and promotional advertising
Provide 3 examples of Creating Supportive Environments in relation to COVID-19.
1.5m spacing, QR codes, proof of I.D / check-in.
List all 5 action areas of the Ottawa Charter
Creating supportive environments
Building Healthy public policy
Strengthening community action
Reorienting Health services
Who developed the Ottawa Charter and why?
The WHO.
New public health movement around the world in 1986.
Compare relative and dynamic health.
Dynamic is constantly changing and doesnt stay the same.
Relative is compared to another point in your life/another persons life or another point in time.
In what year did the WHO conduct the first international conference in Canada and WHY was the Ottawa Charter implemented?
It was a global health milestone, and remains a vital reference for health promotion.