Better Health for Individuals
The Body in Motion
First Aid
Fitness Choices
Lucky Dip
What organisation provides this modern day definition of health: 'a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity'
The World Health Organisation (WHO)

Name the two bones which make up the forearm. Describe in terms of position

Radius and Ulna. Ulna is medial to Radius (Radius is lateral to Ulna)


Define the term hypoglycaemia.

Low sugar levels

True or false, a spin class is an example of an individual fitness activity?
False, a spin class is an example of a group fitness activity

What does ATP stand for? 

Adenosine Triphsophate 

What are the 5 action areas of the Ottawa Charter?
Building healthy public policy Creating supportive environments Strengthening community action Developing personal skills Reorienting health services
What are the 3 functions of the lungs? Explain each one
Inspiration (the drawing of air into the lungs) Expiration (expelling air from the lungs) Exchange of gases (exchange of carbon dioxide (going out) with oxygen (going in)
What is the more common term for a laceration?
A cut or tear in the skin
List 3 settings for exercise (category not venue)
Home, community facilities, fitness centres and PTs, Exercise clubs and cultural groups
Why is it called the 'Ottawa Charter'?
Because it was signed at the First International Conference on Health Promotion, organised by the WHO and held in Ottawa, Canada, in November 1986.
What are the health promotion approaches and strategies? (including eg's)
Lifestyle/behavioural approaches (e.g. quit smoking programs, health education) Preventative medical approaches (e.g. childhood immunisation, cancer screening) Public health approaches (e.g. health-promoting schools and workplaces)
What are the health-related components of fitness?
Cardiorespiratory endurance Muscular strength Muscular endurance Flexibility Body composition
What does STOP stand for?
Stop, Talk, Observe, Prevent further injury
In this unit we looked at exercise for 4 specific groups. What were the specific groups?
Children, Pregnant women, Athletes, the Elderly

What are the 5 main immediate physiological responses to exercise? 

Increased HR

Increased SV 

Increased Q

Increased Ventilation 

Increase Lactate levels

What groups are responsible for health promotion? (5)
Individuals Community groups/schools Non-government organisations Government International organisations e.g. WHO, United Nations
What are the skill-related components of fitness?
Power Speed Agility Coordination Balance Reaction time

What does DRSABCD stand for?

Danger, Response, Send for Help, Airways, Breathing, CPR, Defibrillation


What are 5 influences on an individual's attitude to fitness?

Exercise history

How does the base of support relate to balance? 

Base of support is the area where your body is in contact with the ground. A bigger or wider BOS increases stability and balance. If base of support in reduced a person becomes less stable. 

What are the determinants of health? (including eg's)
Individual factors (e.g. knowledge and skills, attitudes, genetics) Sociocultural factors (e.g. family, peers, media, religion, culture) Socioeconomic factors (e.g. employment, education, income) Environmental factors (e.g. geographical location, access to health services and technology)
What are the 4 components of blood, and what are their functions?
Red blood cells (contain haemoglobin, a protein which can absorb oxygen and carry it to the body cells) White blood cells (function to protect the body against infection) Plasma (the liquid part of the blood consisting mainly of water. It carries nutrients, salts, hormones and dissolved wastes) Platelets (help blood clots to form to stop bleeding)

What are the 3 types of slings? What is each used for?

Arm sling

This sling is used to support a lower arm or hand injury and for rib or collarbone fractures.

Elevation sling

This sling is used for an arm or finger injury where the patient needs the hand and arm to be held in an elevated position.

Collar-and-cuff sling

This sling is used to hold the lower arm and hand in an elevated position where a full elevation sling is either not required or for patient comfort in very hot weather. The sling is made with a narrow fold bandage used as a clove hitch.


What are 8 Group Fitness Activities examples?

Aerobics, Aquarobics, Pump, Step, Spin classes, Circuit training, Team games, Emerging Group Fitness 

There is only one vein that carries oxygenated blood and one artery that carries deoxygenated blood. What are there names? and Why are they named this way?**
Pulmonary Artery and Pulmonary Vein. They are named this way because artery refers to a vessel carrying blood AWAY from the heart and vein refers to a vessel carrying bloody TO the heart. The pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs and the pulmonary vein delivers oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart.