King Tut
Ancient China
History Skills and Directive Verbs
Investigating Ancient History
Ancient Trivia

Who discovered Tutankhamun's tomb and what year was the discovery made?

What is Howard Carter in 1922

Items used for divination and pyromancy, made from Ox Scapula or Turtle Plastron

What is Oracle Bones


______ refers to that which persists, continues to exist, always in the same form, with the same value. _____  is the opposite. It is that which mutates, albeit within certain limits.

What is Continuity and Change 


Who was found in 1991 amidst sheets of melting ice on the Tisenjoch pass of the Similaun glacier in the Tyrolean Alps

Who is Otzi the Iceman


The first capital of Ancient Egypt 

What is Memphis?


The supposed spiritual part of an individual human being or god, which survived after death and could reside in a statue of the person

What is Ka?


The custom of using ___ objects to constrain the body with the hope of eternally preserving the souls of the deceased

What is Jade?


Make a judgement of value, quality, outcomes, results or size.

What is Assess? 


The ancient past, especially the period of classical and other human civilizations before the Middle Ages

What is Antiquity?


The only remaining wonder of the seven wonders of the ancient world 

What is pyramids of Giza?


The two religious beliefs Ancient Egypt changed between before the time of Tutankhamun 

What is Polytheism and Monotheism?

In Ancient China, these elements represent the two vital forces of the cosmos. These two elements are together during the lifetime of an individual, but at the time of death they would seperate and go in different directions

What is Ying and Yang?


A person's point of view, the position from which they see and understand events going on around them.

What is Perspective 


The division of an archeological site into small squares that show different areas of excavation.

What is The Grid System?


Dynasty that ruled Ancient China for nearly 400 years 

What is the Han Dynasty?


The god who was performing the 'opening of the mouth ceremony' on Tutankhamun seen on the north wall of his tomb 

What is Ay?


One of the best preserved mummies ever. The case is due to the fact that her body was covered with 20 layers of silk and was found in 80 liters of an unknown liquid, slightly acidic with some magnesium in it.

Who is Lady Dai?


Relate cause and effect, make the relationships between things evident, provide why and/or how

What is Explain?


the science that deals with the dating and study of the annual growth increments, or tree rings, in woody trees and shrubs.



This monument was built to protect the country from enemy invasions, to control immigration, and to protect the merchants of the silk trade

What is The Great Wall of China?


What 21st century archaeology was performed on Tutankhamun's Mummy in the years 2005 and 2010

What is 2005 - Virtual Autopsy, 2010 - DNA analysis


The official historian of the Han dynasty whose work is still discussed due to the credibility of the source 

Who is Sima Qian?


Explores and seeks to explain the selection of particular social and cultural past events for remembrance by human societies

What is Significance?


a type of radar that uses pulses of radio waves of a frequency suitable for investigating solid materials and underground features.

What is GPR?


The surface of Egypt’s ancient pyramids were covered with what

What is White Limestone?
