Functional Anatomy
Motor Learning & Coaching
Exercise Physiology
Sports Psychology

Name the 6 joints

Hinge, Gliding, Saddle, Condyloid, ball & socket & pivot

Classify the following motor skills:


throwing a dart

dribbling a basketball during a game

1500m run

surfing-open, gross

throwing a dart-closed or fine

dribbling basketball during game-open, complex

1500m run-continuous, gross


Name the 3 types of motion





Name in order of use the 3 fuel sources the body uses

Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins


What is it called when an athlete is "in the zone"

Athlete is achieving the ideal performance state


Name the 4 parts of blood and what they are good for

RBC-deliver oxygen

WBC-fight infection

Platelets-clot blood when there is a cut

Plasma-Nourishes blood and transports nutrients


Give 2 reasons for giving feedback

to motivate a performer

correct errors/technique

reinforce learning

improve performance


Name 3 factors that you have control over that affect projectile motion

Height of release

Angle of release

Velocity of release


Name 5 training methods

Cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, balance, flexibility, coordination, body composition, agility, speed, power, reaction time


Identify 4 different mental skills that can affect whether an athlete performs at her best or not.

Any 4 of the following:

Concentration, arousal regulation, self-confidence, motivation & stress management

What is reciprocal inhibition and give me an example in the body

When muscles work in pairs (antagonist pairs) to create a movement-one contracts while the other relaxes


Describe each of the 3 stages of learning

Cognitive-Large number of errors in technique, Repetition of same errors, Inconsistent performance, Slow, jerky movements, Attention to details of activity, Unable to block out irrelevant information

Associative-Inconsistent errors, Movement patterns have developed so smoother movement during technique, Able to regulate technique sometimes to varying environments, Begins to anticipate changes in environment, Begins to show understanding of performance through feeling activity

Autonomous-Errors are minimal, Movement patterns are smooth and fluent, Adjusts to constant changing environment, Confidence to adjust technique during performance to maximise results, Overall performance gains will be slow


To increase balance and stability you need to increase what?

size of base of support


Name 4 long term training effects on a person's cardio-respiratory system.

  • Cardiac hypertrophy
  • Heart rate: resting and submaximal heart rate is reduced
  • Increased stroke volume
  • Increased blood volume/haemoglobin
  • Increased maximum oxygen uptake/VO2 max 
  • Increased capillarisation
  • Increased (maximal) ventilation
  • Increased oxygen exchange

Describe 3 types of goals used for goal setting

Performance goals: personal targets that an athlete sets for herself to achieve during competition

Outcome goals: targets that relate to the achievement of a desired result from a performance 

Process goals: targets that relate to the actions, such as movements/strategies, that lead to desired sporting performance


If you were a red blood cell what path would it take into the heart, lungs and back out to the body.

Inferior/Superior Vena Cava, Right Atrium, Right ventricle, pulmonary artery, lungs, pulmonary veins, left atrium, left ventricle, aorta, body


Identify and describe the 3 types of cues that a performer can receive.

Visual, Verbal, Proprioceptive


Simultaneous body actions are generally used when the athlete desires what?

And give a sporting example to explain this.


putting, playing darts, shooting for goal etc


Name the 3 energy systems, when they are most dominant and sports they are used for.

ATP-PC system-0-10 seconds, sprints, power sports

Lactic Acid system-10 secs-2/3mins, 400m run, 100m swim

Aerobic system-2/3 mins+, long distance running/swimming


When in the ideal performance state High jumpers must manage their arousal. How does this affect the Inverted U hypothesis and why.

  • Identifies a high level of arousal
  • Shot put is a simple task that requires a high level of physical exertion
  • Diagram

Define heart rate, what its directly proportional to and how do you figure out Target Heart Rate.

Heart rate is how many times your heart beats per minute,

Its directly proportional to exercise intensity

220-age=Target heart rate


What are the 3 types of feedback a coach can give an athlete and what are the different times feedback can be given.

Intrinsic, Extrinsic, Augmented

Terminal-Knowledge of results & knowledge of performance, Concurrent-verbal, non-verbal

Name and describe Newton's Law of Motions with a sporting example to help.

1st Law (Law of Inertia)

A body remains in a state of rest or motion unless acted upon by an external force.

2nd Law (Law of acceleration)

The acceleration of an object is proportional to the magnitude of force applied to it.

3rd Law (Law of action-reaction)

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


Name and describe 3 principles of training

Progressive overload: gradual increase in workload done by the athlete to ensure that the training program produces long term adaptations in the body and performance improvements

reversibility (detraining) principle: the loss of physiological performance/detraining that results from insufficient/cessation of training or if you don’t use it, you will lose it

specificity principle: involves the training of specific energy systems, fitness components, muscle groups, positions and roles within a given sport or athletes get what they train for so need to train specific to their sport

FITT-frequency, intensity, time, type


Draw Nideffer's Model of Attentional Focus,label each section and give a sporting example for each section

Narrow External-watching the bowler ball to you as a batter

Narrow Internal-mentally rehearsing a shot in your head before doing it

Broad External-running around a tackler to kick a goal

Broad Internal-deciding on the best tactic to use for a sideline throw in or developing a game plan
