The nearest 10 to 28
What is 30?
The nearest 100 to 630.
What is 600?
The nearest 1000 to 5500.
What is 6000?
The smallest number:
4 or -2
What is -2?
385 partitioned.
105 rounded to the nearest 10.
What is 110?
780 rounded to the nearest 100.
What is 800?
9200 rounded to the nearest 1000.
What is 9000?
5 - 8 =
What is -3?
The value of the underlined number:
What is 200?
152 to the nearest 10.
What is 150?
214 rounded to the nearest 100.
What is 200?
4628 rounded to the nearest 1000.
What is 5000?
What is 6?
Odd numbers always ends in...
What is 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9?
1894 to the nearest 10.
What is 1890?
3072 rounded to the nearest 100.
What is 3100?
365 rounded to the nearest 1000.
What is 0?
Arrange in ascending order:
0, 4, -3, -7, 10
What is
-7, -3, 0, 4, 10?
10 more than 495.
What is 505?
The greatest possible number that can be rounded to 70.
What is 74?
5902 rounded to the nearest 100.
What is 6000?
The smallest possible number that can be rounded to 3000.
What is 2500?
Arrange in descending order:
-12, 8, 5, -4, 1
What is
8, 5, 1, -4, -12?
100 less than 1034.
What is 934?