whats the adjective in this sentence?
As walked slowly to the scary, haunted house I saw...
Scary, haunted
Whats the noun in this sentence?
The alien was being weird.
what is a adverb?
Describes a action
whats a verb?
A action word
i love apple pie
Capital letter and full stop.
Whats a synonym for beautiful?
Pretty, Gorgeous, Stunning etc
what is a proper noun?
Name of a people place or thing.
What's the adverb in this sentence?
The people walked slowly through the old town.
whats the verb in this sentence?
I'm going to bake a cake before my mum comes home.
Year 4 is great fun sometimes although i miss year 3.
what does this adjective mean?
what are the nouns in this sentence?
Tom had a banana in his lunch.
Banana and Lunch
whats wrong with the adverbs in the sentence?
I ran fastly to the park.
Fastly isn't a word - should be quickly
Whats a synonym for the verb run?
sprint, jog etc.
whats the time
question mark
which of these words is a adjective?
Marvelous, Stupendous, Gorgeous
All of them
Whats wrong with the nouns in this sentence?
One day tom and mariam love chips!
Proper nouns need capital letters!
whats the adverb in these words?
Slowly, amazingly, Funny.
Slowly and amazingly
which is the correct verb?
I had my hair ______ in the hairdresser.
A. pulled B. cut C. painted
B. Cut
help! said the scared girl
Inverted commas
Level up the adjective in this sentence...
She had a pretty dress on.
Amazing, stunning etc
fill in the gap...
There is a _____ eating grass in the field.
a. cow b. Eissa c. Cat
A. cow
name another adverb for quickly.
rapidly, speedily etc.
which verb has been used correctly?
A. I got my tooth pulls at the dentist.
B. I got my tooth Pulled at the dentist.
whats wrong with my punctuation.
question mark and capital letter