Vocabulary from Floodland
3rd Person present tense
Events from Floodland
General knowledge

What does "abandoned" mean?

a) Filled with people
b) Left behind or empty
c) Built from wood
d) Dangerous

Left behind or empty


Which sentence is correct?
a) Zoe run away from the island.
b) Zoe runs away from the island.
c) Zoe running away from the island.
d) Zoe ran away from the island.

Zoe runs away from the island


What happens to Zoe at the beginning of the story?
a) She finds a treasure chest
b) She wakes up on a boat
c) She is left behind on the island of Ely
d) She falls into the water

She is left behind on the island of Ely


What is the capital of the United Kingdom?
a) Manchester
b) London
c) Liverpool
d) Birmingham



What is a "leader"?
a) Someone who follows instructions
b) A person who tells others what to do and makes decisions
c) A type of food
d) A place where people live

A person who tells others what to do and makes decisions


Choose the correct form: "She ____ the boat carefully."
a) fix
b) fixing
c) fixes
d) fixed



Who is the leader of the people on Ely?
a) Munchkin
b) Dooby
c) Zoe
d) The Elder



Which planet is known as the "Red Planet"?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Jupiter
d) Venus



What does "survival" mean?
a) Staying alive in difficult conditions
b) Running very fast
c) Building a house
d) Telling a story

Staying alive in difficult conditions


Which sentence is correct?
a) Dooby like to be the leader.
b) Dooby likes to be the leader.
c) Dooby liking to be the leader.
d) Dooby liked to be the leader.

Dooby likes to be the leader


What is the main danger Zoe faces on Eels Island?
a) Wild animals
b) The people on Eels Island, who fight for control
c) The weather is too hot
d) A lack of fresh water

The people on Eels Island, who fight for control


How many continents are there on Earth?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8



What does "resource" mean?
a) A game children play
b) Something useful that people need, like water or food
c) A type of weather
d) A kind of boat

Something useful that people need, like water or food


Complete the sentence: "Zoe always ___ for a safe place to stay."
a) look
b) looking
c) looks
d) looked



What does Floodland teach us about survival?
a) That teamwork is not important
b) That we should always fight for what we want
c) That people need to adapt and make difficult choices to stay alive
d) That only strong people can survive

That people need to adapt and make difficult choices to stay alive


What do plants need to make their own food?
a) Sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide
b) Milk, soil, and rain
c) Rocks, wind, and snow
d) Sugar, fire, and air

Sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide


What does "desperate" mean?
a) Feeling hopeless and willing to do anything to survive
b) Feeling very happy
c) Being extremely tired
d) Working as a team

Feeling hopeless and willing to do anything to survive


Which sentence is correct?
a) The people on Eels Island fight over food.
b) The people on Eels Island fights over food.
c) The people on Eels Island fighting over food.
d) The people on Eels Island fought over food.

The people on Eels fight over food


What is one of the book's main themes?
a) The importance of video games
b) The dangers of climate change and rising sea levels
c) The best way to build a house
d) The history of England

The dangers of climate change and rising sea levels


What is the longest river in the world?
a) Amazon River
b) Nile River
c) Thames River
d) Mississippi River

The Nile River
