(English & German)
Welcher Sport ist in Deutschland die Nummer 1?
A) Fussball
B) Handball
C) Karate
A) Fussball
Wer hat das Telefon erfunden?
A) Albert Einstein
B) Alexander Graham Bell
C) Nikola Tesla
B) Alexander Graham Bell
Which one is a city in France?
A) Nice
B) Venice
C) Barcelona
A) Nice (Venice is in Italy and Barcelona is in Spain.)
Who is the inventor of the light bulb?
A) Thomas Edison
B) Michael Faraday
C) Benjamin Franklin
A) Thomas Edison
Ich habe ____________. Ich möchte Hamburger essen.
A) Furcht
B) Durst
C) Hunger
C) Hunger
Was ist die Hauptstadt von Österreich?
A) Berlin
B) Bern
C) Wien
C) Wien
Was hat Thomas Edison erfunden?
A) Glühbirne
B) Auto
C) Telefon
A) Glühbirne
Which one is NOT a city in Germany?
A) Bonn
B) Strasbourg
C) Hanover
B) Strasbourg (It is in France.)
The inventor of the first practical electric refrigerator, Jacob Perkins, was of which nationality?
A) American
B) British
C) French
A) American
Er hat für seine Prüfungen gearbeitet, denn ______________________________
A) ohne Fleiß kein Preis
B) Übung macht den Meister
C) der Ball liegt bei dir
A) ohne Fleiß kein Preis
Who started one of the peaceful protests in the 1950s that was one of the first events in the American Civil Rights Movement?
A) Hari Merdeka
B) Rosa Parks
C) J.K. Rowling
B) Rosa Parks
Was hat Albert Einstein erfunden?
A) die Elektrizität
B) die Relativitätstheorie
C) die Druckerpresse
B) die Relativitätstheorie
What did Steve Jobs invent?
A) The steam engine
B) The microwave
C) The first personal computer
C) The first personal computer
What did Marie Curie discover?
A) radium
B) thorium
C) copper
A) radium
He wants to be a teacher just like his dad. You know what they say, _________________________.
A) it was music to my ears
B) keep me posted
C) the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
C) the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
Was ist gesund?
A) Fleisch mit Gemüse
B) Süßigkeiten
C) Pommes und Hamburger
A) Fleisch mit Gemüse
Wer hat das weltweit erste praktische Automobil erfunden?
A) Heinrich Hertz
B) Johannes Gutenberg
C) Karl Benz
C) Karl Benz
Which inventor below is NOT British?
A) Tim Berners-Lee (world wide web)
B) John Logie Baird (television)
C) Alfred Nobel (dynamite)
C) Alfred Nobel (He was Swedish.)
Which scientist is credited with the discovery of penicillin, the first widely used antibiotic?
A) Louis Pasteur
B) Alexander Fleming
C) Joseph Lister
A) Louis Pasteur
They were ___________________, both with the same high cheekbones and hairline.
A) on the same wavelength
B) two peas in a pod
C) stuck in the past
B) two peas in a pod
A/An ________ niche is the position a particular organism occupies within an ecosystem.
A) animal
B) ecological
C) species
B) ecological
Wer hat das Röntgenbild erfunden?
A) Albert Einstein
B) Wilhelm Röntgen
C) Carl Benz
B) Wilhelm Röntgen
Which language family does 'English' belong to?
A) The Romance Language Family
B) The Indo-European Language Family
C) The Austronesian Language Family
B) The Indo-European Language Family
Which one of the inventions below is NOT invented by a German inventor?
A) Aspirin
B) Diesel engine
C) Telecommunication satellites
C) Telecommunication satellites (Engineers and scientists from various countries developed satellites collaboratively.)
Aspirin was invented by Felix Hoffmann in 1897.
The diesel engine was invented by Rudolf Diesel in 1892.
In der ____________ stecken geblieben. Ich denke an meine Kindheit.
A) Geschichte
B) Vergangenheit
C) Präsens
B) Vergangenheit