The first dynasty to provide written and archaeological evidence, such as oracle bones
Shang Dynasty
What material did the Chinese invent that is used for books?
What river is known as the "Cradle of Chinese Civilization"?
Yellow River
What torturous procedure did women have done to their feet?
Foot Binding
What is the belief that the emperor ruled as the "Son of Heaven" and had the divine right to govern?
Mandate of Heaven
China was united for the first time under this dynasty
Qin Dynasty
What substance did the Chinese invent that was used for explosives?
Which desert is located to the north of China?
Gobi Desert
Who were women subordinate to?
Their fathers, then husbands and then sons
Which religion, introduced to China from India, focuses on reaching enlightenment through practices like meditation and moral conduct?
Confucius lived during this dynasty and Daoism was developed
Zhou Dynasty
Which ancient Chinese invention helped spread knowledge during the Tang and Song Dynasties?
Printing Press
What is the name of the mountain range that forms China's western border?
What was the greatest honour a woman could give to her family?
Give birth to a son
In Chinese religion, which group of spirits or deities are believed to protect and guide families, and are often honored with offerings?
Society was divided into social classed in this dynasty according to power and privilege.
Han Dynasty
What ancient Chinese discovery is often used to make maps?
What major body of water lies to the east of China?
The Pacific Ocean
What was the most common job for women?
Textile production (silk)
Which ancient Chinese philosopher is known for teaching about the importance of family, respect, and proper behavior through the Five Relationships?
A period were China was separated into seven states
Warring States Period
What product was the most valuable trade item produced in Ancient China?
Which desert is located to the west of China?
Takla Makan Desert
What was the name of the policy implemented in China from 1980 to 2016?
The One Child Policy
What is the name of the ancient Chinese philosophy that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao, or "the Way"?
Daoism (Taoism)