Lab Safety and equipment
Working Scientifically
Animals and Plants
Important Science things

Name one piece of safety equipment used in the labs?

Googles, gloves, lab coats, etc 


Is the following an example of an aim or hypothesis: 

If the amount of salt increases, then the boiling point of water will increase. 


An Aim would read:
"To investigate if the amount of salt affects the boiling point of water" 


•Aim: Is what you wanted to do in an experiment or practical activity, what you wanted to show or prove.

•Hypothesis: Your educated guess as to what might happen before you even conduct the experiment.  A hypothesis is an inference based on what you already know.


Define classification 

Classification is the process of putting things into groups


True or false 

Platypus and Echidna's are special because they are the only 2 marsupials on the planet.


Platypus and Echidna's are special because they are the only 2 MONOTREME on the planet.

Remember they lay soft-shelled eggs


True or false 

Monkeys have an exoskeleton

Endoskeleton: an internal skeleton.

•Endo = In

Exoskeleton: an external skeleton.

•Exo = out


True or false 

When lighting the Bunsen burner safely you should have the holes open. 


Holes should be closed to minimise air flow in. 

How do you make an experiment more reliable? 

The experiment is repeated multiple times and similar results are obtained  


List 3 of the 8 characteristics that are common to all living things

- Moves by itself
- Reproduces itself
- Requires nutrition
- Grows as it gets older
- Responds to changes in the environment
- Exchanges gas (e.g. oxygen)
- Produces wastes
- Requires water





•Vertebrate: an animal with a backbone.

•Invertebrate: an animal without a backbone.


What is a Dichotomous keys?  

A common type of key, named because the branches always split into two (di means two).

Dichotomous keys can be presented as either a diagrammatic (branched) key or a written key


Draw a scientific drawing of a bunsen burner 

Teacher to check

Remember draw in pencil with a ruler 


A scientific report is broken up into various sections. 

List 3 of these sections? 

Aim, hypothesis, equipment, risk assessment, method, results, conclusion  


In the Linnaean system, an organism is given a scientific name (binomial nomenclature) using two special words. What are these words? 

Genus and species 

A capital letter is used for the genus and lower case for species e.g. cats belong to the genus ‘Felis’ and species ‘catus’ so their scientific name is Felis catus


Explain how endothermic animals keep warm? 

•These animals use energy gained from food to keep themselves warm.

•Their body temperature remains constant regardless of the temperature their environment.

•Mammals and birds are endothermic.


List 3 important scientific discoveries or inventions: 

Radio waves
teacher to check


Name the (Australian) units used to measure the following: 

a) distance / length 

b) volume of water 

c) temperature 

Bonus points: list the device used in each to measure 

a) mm, cm, km (ruler, etc)

b) mL, L (measuring cylinder, beaker) 

c) degrees Celsius (symbol is correct) (thermometer)  


Identify what is the independent variable and dependant variable in the following scenario: 

Alex wanted to find out what toothpaste made her teeth the cleanest. Everyday she brushed her teeth with a different product and then took a plaque test to see how much plaque was left. 

Independent variable - the different tooth pastes 

Dependant variable - amount of plaque


Independent Variable is the aspect of the experiment that is purposely changed. There should only be 1 independent variable in an experiment.

Dependent Variable is the aspect of the experiment that you measure. The dependent variable will usually change due to a change in the independent variable.


What are the five main kingdoms in the Linnaeus system of classification:

•Animalia (animals)

•Plantae (plants)


•Protista (protists)

•Monera (bacteria)


The plant kingdom is divided into divisions.

Name 1 of the plant divisions and state if they are vascular plants or nonvascular

Nonvascular: liverworts and moss 

Vascular plants
•Angiosperms (flowering plants)


List 1 positive and 1 negative of the invention of the internet 

Teacher to check


List 3 steps to help safety light a Bunsen burner

  • Put on safety googles. 
  • If you have long hair, make sure it is tied back.
  • If wearing a jacket take it off
  • Place the Bunsen burner on a heat mat
  • Light a match and hold it about 3 cm above the top of the barrel.
  • Turn gas on after match is lit
  • Once the Bunsen is lit, extinguish the match
  • Light on a safety flame - Turn the collar so that the air hole is covered

Match the following: Predication, Interference, observation

a) It must have rained because there are many puddles 

b) The mineral on the table is transparent and smooth 

c) If temperatures are increased, then the rate of reaction will increase 

a) Interference

b) observation 

c) prediction  

What is the taxonomy ranking system? 

Hint it starts with
K for Kingdoms 

K - Kingdom
P - Phylum
C - Class
O - Order
F - Family
G - Genus
S - Species


All vertebrates belong to the phylum Chordata

Lists the five classes in the phylum Chordata 

Bonus point if you can write one distinguishing trait / feature of each class. 

Mammals: Warm blooded/ Females secrete milk/ Fur or hair (usually)

Birds: Warm blooded, Have feathers, Wings, Have a beak or bill, Lay eggs

Reptiles: Cold blooded/ Scales/ Lay eggs or bear live young /Breathe with aid of lungs/ Four legs

Fish: Cold blooded/ Gills/ Fins for movement/ Live in aquatic environments

Amphibians: Cold blooded, Smooth skin, Larval and adult stages, Permeable skin (water can pass through)


Draw a diagrammatic (flow chart) style dichotomous key to classify the following fruit 

- Strawberries
- Apples
- Bananas
- Mangos 

Teacher to check
